The Enigma Order

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#1 2013-04-01 20:38:19

Uncertified member
Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 3

Dwarf Hunter Application - declined


Age: 27
Gender: Male
Country: Sweden
Occupation: On the sicklist atm
How good is your english: Itīs ok
Anything else about you, the person, we might be interested in: My name is Micke and I live in Sweden with my gf and our daughter, been playing wow since the beta.


Nickame: Nimli
Armory Link: … i/advanced
Mainspec: BM
Offspec: Surv
Professions: Alchemy 600 , Blacksmithing 600

Regardless of its quality (ilvl), is you gear fully taken care of? Yes it is also using reforgelite for easier reforge math

What do you consider the most significant pros and cons of your class/spec in the current state of affairs: High output and burst damage, that the deadzone is gone big_smile Iīm pretty sad that mm isnīt a viable as a raiding spec.

Tell us about your alts (armory links included), how good are you with them: Armory seems offline atm I have 2 PvP alts that I play on Ravencrest Nimolina - Disc Priest and Suldiar - Resto Druid.


Please provide a WoL log presenting your awesomeness. In absence of logs, post screenshots of recount/skada from an encounter of the current tier. … amp;e=6703 rly undergeared >.<

Which pve addons do you use? elvui, poweraura, tell me when, omen, debuffmod, cd counter , dbm

Show us your UI.

Raiding Experience (be thourough here, the more information you give us, the better; both pre-MoP and present progress is interesting for us; tell us about previous guilds):

Vanilla: Magtheridon - Nihilum and TSA Everything down *Played Resto Shaman*
TBC: TSA - Everything down except KJ (BT pre nerf) *Played Resto Shaman*
WOTLK: TSA: Everything down except LK 25 HC
Cata: Intensity on Ravencrest 8/8 DS HC

What attendence should we realistically expect from you (for the sake of clarity, please note that while our Monday and Thursday raids start at 19.30, the Sunday one starts at 18.45). If you can't make it on any of our raiding days on a general basis, do not apply. 100% wonīt be a problem

Any external factors affecting activity we ought to know about (some flexibility applies, but we really want players able to join all 3 raids a week): Nope I can raid all days

Why are you good at playing your class (don't qoute Elitist Jerks, don't give us the stuff every semi decent guide holds; convince us you're good your own way): Iīm a dedicated former hardcore player that have played this game for very long time. Iīve raided all content except in MoP due to sicknes. I have a very nice source of tips and trix from my cousin that plays hunter in Envy. Iīm fleible and a fast learner and Iīm not afraid of wipefest! I love progress raids and hate framraids tongue even though the farmraids have to be done.

When approaching new content, a fight that both you and the raid will try for the first time, how do you prepare (be precise here, "I read tactics on internet" doesn't cut it; we seen our share of players who" knew tactics for all bosses" and then failed miserably in terms of actual preparations): If there are tacts on the internet I will check them out, talk to my cousin, read forum, and try to have a disscusion in the guild what way we should approach the boss. So I would say mainly try to come up with our own tacts for most of the fights.


Why are you applying to The Enigma Order, what made you choose us, when and where did you first hear about us: Iīm looking for an 25 man guild with good progress and you seems like an friendly guidl that would fit me.

What do you expect from us, as a guild: Progress, some lols but mainly progress <3

Please confirm that you have read and understood our rules and they are ok for you (yes, this is our way to ensure we're not asked somewhat silly questions that are already answered in writing at the Rules section of the forum): Check

When unsure about any aspect of the game, be that tactics, class specific assignments, how do you proceed: Check the interwebz, talk to fellow hunters, guild members.

Why do you play WoW, what are your objectives, why commit more than 10 hours a week to a computer game: 10 hours a week? thatīs what I do on a day tongue I donīt know..Ive been in love with this game since the beta and I not willing to let it go it have become a big part of my life..

Is there anything else you would like to include that may assist your application.


Please post Speed Test results. Run it from your place to Frankfurt, Germany.

Give us a brief specification of your computer - enough to assure it can handle 25 man raids.
Core i5-3570K
Kingston HyperX 16GB
GeForce GTX 680 2GB

Do you have a working microphone and are you able to connect to TS3 servers? Yes sir!

Should you be accepted, you will be asked to provide your cellphone number to the leading team. This is for the sake of on-going coordination, your number will not be made public nor used for anything not related to the game. Is this ok? Yes itīs ok!

If I have missed anything plz just ask smile

mucho love // Nimli

Last edited by Nimli (2013-04-03 00:10:18)



#2 2013-04-02 18:48:48

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Dwarf Hunter Application - declined

Thank you for the application, we will get back to you in a bit.



#3 2013-04-02 19:39:36

Uncertified member
Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 3

Re: Dwarf Hunter Application - declined

thx for the fast anwser! looking forward to hear from u again smile



#4 2013-04-03 18:25:49

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Dwarf Hunter Application - declined

I'd like you to elaborate on two aspects:
- your raiding experience and the guilds you played with in MoP. Which guilds, why did you leave them and in what circumstances,
- your gear. You admit it's poor, you then claim you keep your gear polished, however at the same time you ain't got a single 5.2 item bought with valor 4 weeks after the instance was added. How so? If you were accepted, how would you plan to improve the gear outside of raids?



#5 2013-04-03 22:08:58

Uncertified member
Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 3

Re: Dwarf Hunter Application - declined

I have been playing with Civitas but had to leave due to sickness and the fact that I was on the hospital for 4,5 week. Thatīs why I havnīt got time to buy some new gear just got the LFR boots and will be able to buy a valor item tomorrow



#6 2013-04-05 00:12:31

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Dwarf Hunter Application - declined


Good luck in your guild search.



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