The Enigma Order

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#1 2013-10-03 21:52:15

Uncertified member
Registered: 2013-10-03
Posts: 2

Deathkicks resto druid - declined

Name: Deathkicks
Class: Druid
Mainspec and Dualspec: Resto druid as main specc, Moonkin as dual.
Why did you chose this class & spec and how do you benefit the guild? I have been playing Resto Druid for 6 years now, and i still see it as fun.. I have always been fascinated by the druids, the amount of healing they can heal by their hots is so lovely and funny to play, and not just a 'holy light' class back in pre tbc or tbc..
Also that we can choose what we want to play, we can dps, heal or be a tank..
armory link: … s/advanced
Professions: Jawelcrafting & Inscription
Player info & hardware
Name: Jonas
Age: 16
Nationality: Denmark - Danish

Can you use Ventrilo? Yes.
Do you have Ventrilo 3.0.5? Yes.
Do you have a microphone? Yes
Is speaking in Ventrilo difficult to you? Why? nope, not a problem at all
What is your current PC setup like (CPU, RAM, graphics card and OS)?
INTEL i5 3570K, 3.4GHZ (3.8GHZ TURBO)

How are you connected to the Internet? State your download and upload speeds and your provider.

Player history and aims
What are your aims in this game as a player and what do you want to achieve?
My goal is always to improve me a player, learn from my mistakes.
-Some players forget that World of Warcraft is a team game, we must act as a team, raiding as a team .. Think of others and not yourself .. Can any loot benefit another as it has a better benefit, then pass, the game is not about loot, the game is about being a team, and work together and have fun.

How often can you attend raids (state days & times in gametime)? I'm online every single day..

Guild History and why you left. When I started WoW, just before Wrath came out, so I joined some irl friends in the guild dobs - Alliance. Raid went dead, the social went down with often only 3 online in the guild. This went on for some months, and chose to change the guild. End of Decency - Horde guild on Frostwhisper. It was an extremely pleasant guild on many points, and raiding seemed also to be be gun to my wishes. MOP was released, and I also started fairly out. But a few pieces fell off due to lack of interest in the game. Others began to have cancellations, many raids were canceled, I was asked "crooked" lineup, and thus not much progress. Eventually there were 5 friends who chose to stop raiding (happened from Sunday to Tuesday in week 2), and raiding the guild no longer exists.

Toct10: Cleared
Halion10: Cleared
Halion hc: Cleared
ICC10Normal: Cleared
ICC10 HC: 12/12 Cleared

TBOT10 Normal Cleared 4/5 hc
BWD10 Normal: Cleared 5/6 hc
throne of the Normal: Cleared 2/2 hc

Shannox: Heroic / Normal : Cleared
Beth'tilac Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Lord Rhyolith Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Alysrazor Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Baleroc Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Majordomo Staghelm Heroic / Normal : Cleared
Rag: Heroic / Normal : Cleared..

Morchok: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Yor'sahj: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Zon'ozz: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Hagara: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Ultraxion: Heroic / Normall: Cleared
Warmarster: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Spine: Normal: Cleared
Madness: Normal: Cleared

Mogu'shan vaults.

6/6 normal
6/6 heroic

Heart of fear:
6/6 normal
5/6 heroic

4/4 normal
2/4 heroic

10/13 heroic done

Soo 9 normal

What do you expect from The Enigma Order : A stable guild with nice atmosphere, a great leader ship who know how to lead a guild, some nice people i can spend my time with and have some fun while raiding semi serious..

How do you take responsibility and deal with it? Any player should recognize when he / she makes mistakes, no player is perfect, Noyone!. It is about improving as a player, draw learn from your mistakes, listen to advice from others even if YOU think you should not and can already perform at your max, everyone can improve.. It does not help to sit in the corner and think that you are perfect.

How do you process constructive feedback? Is it necessary for you to become better player?
Criticism I'll gladly take, criticism should be taken with a smile, it is meant well and to help.

What do you think of striving for guild goals though it would mean lots of time used in practicing a new boss encounter?
If you expect competition to be among the best, then spent lots of time on preparation

Which do you prefer: new experiences vs new loot? experience, loot does not matter, what really matters is to have been going through a tough period, but we as a team have managed to get through the tough time together, as a team, looking back at all the hours have been spent with a smile when you finally stand in front of the boss who has just been killed, and nerd screaming!

How does the above mentioned preference affect you and your actions in raid environment (Eg. practicing a new boss encounter is already an experience in itself and thus motivates you to perform even better)?
I always motivate myself to becoming better and memorizing all my own movements to try to improve. and i think its important to motivate people for new boss encounters. and being prepared for an instance is key to getting the bosses down imo.

Situation question: You are told you have to be replaced in a raid because you are too far behind in healing, dps, gear, threat etc. What would you do to improve the situation for next raid?
Take it like a man, you have not performed well enough, so it is unfortunately the hard way, and it's out on the research table again, look at the world of logs, read the forums through, talk to guild members about what you have done wrong and what could have been done better

How would you prepare yourself for a raid and what do you expect from your guildmates?
watch videos, see tactics, reading various forums through which has already managed to kill the boss, ask for advice

Which raid addons do you use?
BigWigs Boss Mods
- BuyEmAll
- eAlign
- ErrorMonster (
- Mik's Scrolling Battle Text
- MoveAnything MoP
- OmniCC
- oRA3
- PhanxBuffs
- Postal
- Prat 3.0
- Quartz
- Reflux
- ReforgeLite (noch)

Class mechanics
How well do you know the mechanics of your class you play? Do you do research for updates and ways to improve your gameplay?
What would your standard rotation of abilities/spells (healing/dps/tanking) be for a typical tank and spank fight, and why would you use those abilities/spells?
There is not really a rotation for a resto druid, but i go a start position...
0. Stacking healing mushroom before we pull, place them somewhere i know where people are gonna stand.
1. 3x lifebloom on maintank always..
2. Rejuvenation, try to keep this on the tank(s) always
3. Swiftmend on maintank or on a melee group so it can hit so many as possible
4. Wildgowth

Otherwise it depends very much on the fight, much aoe, try to spam rejuvenation much as you can, without having mana problems..

What glyphs are you using and why are you using them?
Well, glyphs is pretty easy as a resto druid, but i see two main glyphs, and thats Wild Growth since this is always on colddown for me, it always running and thats why i have the glyph, i like the extra tick on a player..
And the otherone is Glyph of lifebloom, since tanks have to swap alot, it will saves me alot of time so i don't have to stack 3 lifeblooms again everytime they switch

What kind of plans do you have to improve yourself in the near future?
Hopefully in the near future I will be raiding with your guild and will be able to improve myself as a player further by practising on new encounters with a new guild!

Why should you pick me?:
Because you're showing the kinda dedication I think a raiding guild should really show, and you've pretty consis...

Last edited by Deathkicks (2013-10-04 11:28:45)



#2 2013-10-04 10:14:23

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Deathkicks resto druid - declined

Thank you for the application, we will get back to you shortly.



#3 2013-10-04 12:48:35

Leading Team
Registered: 2010-11-24
Posts: 799

Re: Deathkicks resto druid - declined

What guilds have you been in during MoP?

I can only see you mention the one that went down early on.

Did you copy an old application?

Deathkicks wrote:

And the otherone is Glyph of lifebloom, since tanks have to swap alot, it will saves me alot of time so i don't have to stack 3 lifeblooms again everytime they switch

Now baseline, no glyph needed.

Why do you run with HotW? After changes to NV it is evaluated to be the stronger option.

Why do you run with SotF?



#4 2013-10-04 13:10:10

Uncertified member
Registered: 2013-10-03
Posts: 2

Re: Deathkicks resto druid - declined

Hey Axc I have chosen to take the Soul of the Forest because I think it's an incredibly strong talent that gives good opportunity for burst healing, for example. a tank, or a player with a heavy debuff. and if you look at the best player in the World they are using Soul of the Forest because they have the last haste point and i get ekstra ticket

hotw I do not use in raids only NV forgot to change it after dungeon sry

and with that Glyph of lifebloom i use before patch 5.4 after patch 5.4 release i change to Glyph of Efflorescence for better healing.

I leave kamuf because the guild went dead for raiding and one of us because they went back to 10man and there was no room for the team

Last edited by Deathkicks (2013-10-04 13:41:38)



#5 2013-10-04 16:20:12

Leading Team
Registered: 2010-11-24
Posts: 799

Re: Deathkicks resto druid - declined

Deathkicks wrote:

and with that Glyph of lifebloom i use before patch 5.4 after patch 5.4 release i change to Glyph of Efflorescence for better healing.

So you wrote your application yesterday stating that you use it. Sounds like copying old application to me. This made me google. I found this: … pic=2892.0

Direct quotes are bolded.

RL Information
Name : Philip Petersen
Age : 19
Nationality : Danish - Denmark
Timezone: : +1 hour
Character Information

Name : Galarda
Realm : EU-Kazzak
Level : 90
Race : Troll
Class : Druid
Armory link : … rda/simple
Primary spec : Resto
Secondary spec : Moonkin


Jawelcrafting: for extra good gems..
Enchanting: Enchant on rings..

Wow Career Information
When did you start playing wow, and how many years have you been actively raiding: : I started back in 2005, and raided from pre-tbc.. So, being resto druid for around 6 years now


ZG: Cleared
Aq20: Cleared
MC: Cleared
Onyxia: Cleared
BWL 4 Bosses down
AQ40: non
Naxx: non
Word bosses: Cleared
Guild: Vengeance
Server: Kul'Tiras

the Burning Crusade:
Zul'Aman: Cleared
Karazhan: Cleared
Gruul's Lair: Cleard
Maggy: Cleared
TK: Cleared
SSC: Cleared
MH: Cleared
BT: Cleared
Sunwell: 4/6
World Bosses: Cleared
- Resto Druid, as a raider.

Toct10: Cleared
Toct25: Cleared
Halion10: Cleared
Halion25: Cleared
Halion hc: Cleared
ICC10Normal: Cleared
ICC10 HC: 12/12
ICC25 Normal: Cleared
ICC25 HC: 11/12

Resto Druid - as a raider

TBOT10 Normal Cleared 5/5 hc
TBOT25: Normal: Cleared 5/5 hc
BWD10 Normal: Cleared 5/6 hc
BWD25 Normal: Cleared 5/6 hc
throne of the Normal: Cleared 2/2 hc

Shannox: Heroic / Normal : Cleared
Beth'tilac Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Lord Rhyolith Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Alysrazor Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Baleroc Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Majordomo Staghelm Heroic / Normal : Cleared
Rag: Heroic / Normal : Cleared.. Before the nerf!

Morchok: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Yor'sahj: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Zon'ozz: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Hagara: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Ultraxion: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Warmarster: Heroic / Normal: Cleared
Spine: Heroic/ Normal: Cleared
Madness: Heroic / Normal: Cleared

Please provide several combat logs of your most recent guild raid: : ... 868&e=1181

: ... 248&e=2745 ... alingDone/ ... 323&e=8974 ... 25&e=10070 ... 35&e=12430 ... 868&e=1181

Why should you pick me?:
Because you're showing the kinda dedication I think a raiding guild should really show, and you've pretty consistently been at the top of the guild since you guys came around. I like that type of raiding, for me the goal in world of warcraft (and in most games) is to get that sense of accomplishment - that relief and feeling you get when a hard boss is finally down, that I got when I first did Kael (I nerdscreamed during that) or Lady Vashj . I think I can get that in Santa Maria in MoP. I'm a damn fast leveler, and while I may bitch and moan a little sometimes, I always approach things personally with the best attitude in mind.

and then i have played the game for more than 6 years by now, which means that I have a lot of experience with all kinds of raids and situations that might arise. That also shows that I am a very active and dedicated raider. I am also definitely a team player. My needs are never more important than my guild's needs, so I am willing to do whatever it takes for the raid to succeed, even if that means sitting out on a certain encounter because of the setup requirements. And because of my past experience, I have a quite good knowledge of the game mechanics and the mechanics of other classes. That allows me to actively participate in my guild's tactical discussions for new encounters. In fact, in my previous guilds I came up with a lot of the tactical decisions that eventually helped us achieve our first kills on quite a few bosses.

My role on raid:

Resto druids are quite nice as all around healers, we can help the tank healing with our Lifebloom stack and a simple rejuvenation while keeping the raid up with a combination of Wild Growth and Rejuvenation, with occasional fillers like nourish, Regrowth and Healing Touch and cooldowns like Nature’s Swiftness, Tranquility and Tree of life.

in my opinion, resto druids are incredible support healers and it is important to understand this. We do not have lifesaving tools like other classes but we can buffer like nobody else. We built our healing strategies around this, playing to our classes' strengths. My role was to focus on a steady and consistent stream of heavy throughput while the other two conserved or burst as required.

Why did i pick my class?
I have been playing Resto Druid for 6 years now, and i still see it as fun.. I have always been fascinated by the druids, the amount of healing they can heal by their hots is so lovely and funny to play, and not just a 'holy light' class back in pre tbc or tbc..

Also that we can choose what we want to play, we can dps, heal or be a tank..

What do i expect from you?

A stable guild with nice atmosphere, a great leader ship who know how to lead a guild, some nice people i can spend my time with and have some fun while raiding semi serious..

And some funny people i can laugh with, because i love sense of humor!

What are your plans in MoP with regards to competitive PvE: :
Kill a lot of heroic bosses, reach the top of being one of the best guild in the world, meet new people, having fun.

Class Knowledge
My stat choices are pretty basic. For Resto I have haste until the breakpoint of 3028, and after I choose Mastery. Depending on content, I reforge away spirit to mastery/haste. My prio order is as follows Haste to 3040 > Mastery > Crit. I have currently reforged away most of my spirit to mastery.

Well, glyphs is pretty easy as a resto druid, but i see two main glyphs, and thats Wild Growth since this is always on colddown for me, it always running and thats why i have the glyph, i like the extra tick on a player..
And the otherone is Glyph of lifebloom, since tanks have to swap alot, it will saves me alot of time so i don't have to stack 3 lifeblooms again everytime they switch.
There is not really a rotation for a resto druid, but i go a start position...
0. Stacking healing mushroom before we pull, place them somewhere i know where people are gonna stand.
1. 3x lifebloom on maintank always..
2. Rejuvenation, try to keep this on the tank(s) always
3. Swiftmend on maintank or on a melee group so it can hit so many as possible
4. Wildgowth

As you can see im going for the 3043 hatse breakpoint for an extra tranq tick..

Addons that i use:
BigWigs Boss Mods
- BuyEmAll
- eAlign
- ErrorMonster (
- Mik's Scrolling Battle Text
- MoveAnything MoP
- OmniCC
- oRA3
- PhanxBuffs
- Postal
- Prat 3.0
- Quartz
- Reflux
- ReforgeLite (noch)

KeyBinds: 1 - Nourish || Shift1 - Wild Growth
2 - Regrowth || Shift2 - Swiftmend
3 - Lifebloom || Shift3 - healing Touch
4 - Rejuv || Shift4 - Tree
F - Innervate || ShiftF - Rebirth
E - NS || Q- Remove Corruption
Mouse1 - Barkskin || MouseDown - Tranq

Technical Information:
What are your computer specifications :
AMD Phenom II X4 940 3.00 Ghz
1 TB hdd
ATI Radeon HD5750
100 mbit optical fiber connection

How fast is your connection (Please use an online speedtest) and what is your ping during raids :
FPS on raids is like 80-100.
Latency about 20.



#6 2013-10-04 16:40:35

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Deathkicks resto druid - declined

My oh my.




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