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Age: 29
Gender: Male
Nationality: Croatian
Occupation: Network Administrator
How good is your English: Fluent
Anything else about you, the person, we might be interested in:
I am an easy going and relaxed person. Playing WOW for fun and relaxation, only thing ingame I take seriously are the raids. I am my own worst critic because there is always something that I could have done better so next time that is my goal. I am patient and never rage at other people but I do troll my good friends just for the fun of it.
Nickame: Hiitman
BattleTag: hitman#2331
Armory Link: … n/advanced
Mainspec: fury
Offspec: protection
Professions: Enchanting, Jewelcrafting
Regardless of its quality (ilvl), is you gear fully taken care of? Safe for some specific cases (eg. an item about to be replaced next week), we expect everything to be gemmed, enchanted and reforged optimally. We will likely consult your profile with Mr. Robot. If you're doing something different than it indicates (which is often the right things to do), please explain the reasoning.
Yes. Full enchants, gems and reforges optimized for current patch.
What do you consider the most significant pros and cons of your class/spec in the current state of affairs:
Pros for a fury warrior is the burst damage (like most classes, so maybe not so much important). Warrior brings banners for everyone (10% crit dmg, 10% all dmg taken reduction), RC and shattering throw as raid CD's. Also vigilance (30% dmg reduction) can help in those tight spots with spikey incoming dmg. What most other classes dont have is the mobility that charge, intervene and heroic leap give. Also a warrior has some nice defensive CD's (40% all dmg reduction and 20% all dmg reduction and 100% parry for 6 sec) for soaking or whatever is needed.
Are any of your alts suit for raiding? If so, tell us about them and link armory profile:
No alst for raiding, just professions.
Please provide a WoL log presenting your awesomeness. In absence of logs, post screenshots of recount/skada from an encounter of the current tier.
Without this, you will most likely be rejected.
I didnt do much dps-ing for my current guild, just some normal clears which dont tell much since we didnt pay much attention. I was a MS tank in the guild so if it helps here is a link of one of our heroic farm runs. I know its not telling much about my dps but it can tell you of my level of gameplay. And to be honest I did not do much dps-ing for raids. But I am willing to make an effort and get the feel for it and do the best I can.
What's your best result in Prooving Grounds? This is especially valuable in case you cannot provide WoL log.
Did not do proving grounds as dps. Think I only checked it out as tank when it came out and didnt play after gold achivment. If you want me to I will go and see what is it all about as dps.
Which pve addons do you use?
Weak auras (for 90% of stuff that is going on in an encounter), DBM, sometimes Omen, sometimes Skada, GTFO
Show us your UI.
Its mostly standard blizz UI but I keybind everything important.
Raiding Experience (we're mostly interested in your achievements in the current expansion, but do impress us with previous experience if you feel it helps):
11/14 HC SoO killed. Some progression on siegecrafter and paragons. I started to raid seriously in firelands but ragnaros hc kill eluded me before next expansion. I killed Deathwing hc on current. And to my disappointment i dont have Lei Shen and Ra den kills. that is why I am motivated to kill Garrosh before the expansion.
What attendence should we realistically expect from you (for the sake of clarity, please note that while our Monday and Thursday raids start at 19.30, the Sunday one starts at 18.45). If you can't make it on any of our raiding days on a general basis, do not apply.
You can expect 100% attendance.
Any external factors affecting activity we ought to know about (some flexibility applies, but we really want players able to join all 3 raids a week):
No, just possible unexpected circumstances like everyone has (Ill, car crash, alien abduction...)
Why are you applying to The Enigma Order, what made you choose us, when and where did you first hear about us:
I am applying first off all because I heard from friends about your guild and that you are nice people to play with. That is most important to me. If you remember Dimous (rogue) that was in your guild for a while. He told me about you and your raid atmosphere. I do not know why he left or got kicked, didnt ask (maybe because he is a terrorist and he blew someone up, idk hehehe). Then because you have nice progress and a real shot for garrosh kill.
Please confirm that you have read and understood our rules and they are ok for you (yes, this is our way to ensure we're not asked somewhat silly questions that are already answered in writing at the Rules section of the forum):
I did read all the guild rules from your forum.
Is there anything else you would like to include that may assist your application?
Noticed you do not ask why I am leaving my current guild. I was in Swarm, 10 man guild which merged with dark embrace to make a 25 man raids. I knew from the start that my future in that new guild was in question and I was correct. They had 3 tanks to start with and so did we. As you can imagine 6 tanks is way to much. They made one of our tanks to go reroll dps, same as one of their old tanks, other tank is now a back up and that left me to be back up for a back up. I do admit that it was him or me at the start be he got chosen. The reason for that is that he has a lot better dps gear than me so they didnt have to gear him up as much as me. 570 ilvl is probably not up there with your gear but its not that bad and only gear I do need to upgrade is from last bosses so realistically I cant do much about it until someone gives me a chance.
Please post Speed Test results. Run it from your place to Frankfurt, Germany.
Is your computer good enough to handle 25 man heroic raids? If you only did 10 man and lfr until now, say so please.
Yes it is. Have been raiding 25 for few weeks now.
Do you have a working microphone and are you able to connect to TS3 servers?
Should you be accepted, you will be asked to provide your cellphone number to the leading team. This is for the sake of on-going coordination, your number will not be made public nor used for anything not related to the game. Is this ok?
Yes it is.
Hello and thanks for the application. We will do our best to get back to you by the end of the reset.
Nice format of the application, haven't read it yet, but it is often a good sign. Random fun fact, links do not work if bolded, but I took care of that.
Are you able to provide a link to your tanking gear set? That would require using a third party site, not just standard armory. It's not essential, but could be nice.
Hi. This link will probably work if i dont bold it
If its not working you can always contact me ingame and I will log out in gear you want to look at. … st/hiitman