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Age: 19
Gender: male
Nationality: Slovakian ( Live in Croatia, Zagreb )
Occupation: Student
How good is your English: Understanding good, talking not so much
Anything else about you, the person, we might be interested in: By "10000 hours rule" i'm expert in video games ( but stopped recording year ago )
Nickame: Domix
BattleTag: Domix#2850
Armory Link: … x/advanced
Mainspec: Protection
Offspec: Gladiator
Professions: Alchemy / Jewelcrafting
Regardless of its quality (ilvl), is you gear fully taken care of? Safe for some specific cases (eg. an item about to be replaced next week), we expect everything to be gemmed, enchanted and reforged optimally. We will likely consult your profile with Mr. Robot. If you're doing something different than it indicates (which is often the right things to do), please explain the reasoning.
There are few items which can and should considerate replacement with heroic 630 item ( hands and waist ) the rest of items should be replaced with higher ilvl, some of warr tanks go straight to crit/mastery items but that is not very true , versatility can be nice aswell since it is still nice stat but yet a little bit weaker then mastery ( thats why i have trinket with mastery and all enchats/gems mastery to replace my missing mastery from items ), i tried it everywhere and it works like charm. Got also a Knight's Badge trinket but atm i can't equip and i wont untill i replace all my items with crit/mastery.
What do you consider the most significant pros and cons of your class/spec in the current state of affairs:
Pros would be mastery and how well we reduce and block Psychical damage and aswell with AoE dmg where prot comes to shine, cons would be magic dmg where we can only counter with absorb and regenerate ( which again both are stronger if we have more versatility -> thats why we cant exclude it totally from our gear and come to only crit/mastery )
Are any of your alts suit for raiding? If so, tell us about them and link armory profile: No , have lvl 90 priest and druid
Please provide a WoL log presenting your awesomeness. In absence of logs, post screenshots of recount/skada from an encounter of the current tier.
Without this, you will most likely be rejected. Dont have any.
What's your best result in Prooving Grounds? This is especially valuable in case you cannot provide WoL log.
Which pve addons do you use? Anything and Everything, i love mods.
Show us your UI. ( I'm improving it allmost everyday )
Raiding Experience (we're mostly interested in your achievements in the current expansion, but do impress us with previous experience if you feel it helps): Current only did only Tectus on normal ( I can raid for few weeks pugs untill i earn some greater achievements if this does not says anything but i did only one run last night on Tectus and we have taken him down with terrible pug in 2,30AM ). Older achievements; Did raid progressly on my priest back in ICC ( The Merciless, Ragnaros ) and thats about it, Cata had pouse and MoP started to play it but didnt find guild nor anything interessting so i came back in SoO and thats it )
What attendence should we realistically expect from you (for the sake of clarity, please note that while our Monday and Thursday raids start at 19.30, the Sunday one starts at 18.45). If you can't make it on any of our raiding days on a general basis, do not apply.
This welcomes me but only sometimes on Sunday i can be late or couldnt come at all. ( Reason: Going to my hometown on 2days once every 5-8 weekends ) , so my attendance should be greater then 90%
Any external factors affecting activity we ought to know about (some flexibility applies, but we really want players able to join all 3 raids a week): Pointed in right question above.
Why are you applying to The Enigma Order, what made you choose us, when and where did you first hear about us: Mostly started to browse any kind of guilds on Ravencrest and Enigma is the top one which i considerate for my style of playing with the raid days and rules in guild.
Please confirm that you have read and understood our rules and they are ok for you (yes, this is our way to ensure we're not asked somewhat silly questions that are already answered in writing at the Rules section of the forum): Ofcourse.
Is there anything else you would like to include that may assist your application?
I know i'm not some player with great achievements from previous big named guilds, i have been young in those days and mostly god declined on any apply try for better guild cuz of my age, now when i'm grown and decided to give it a try once again to actually become a part of some top guilds on realm i would really appreciate if you could be patient with me if my gear is not soild now, i can pug it for a weeks until i obtain a better one but for what i have felt in normal highmaul i manage to tank with no problems at all.
Please post Speed Test results. Run it from your place to Frankfurt, Germany.
Is your computer good enough to handle 25 man heroic raids? If you only did 10 man and lfr until now, say so please. It is, done Molten Core 40man with no problems or spikes.
Do you have a working microphone and are you able to connect to TS3 servers? Yes i do
Should you be accepted, you will be asked to provide your cellphone number to the leading team. This is for the sake of on-going coordination, your number will not be made public nor used for anything not related to the game. Is this ok? It's ok
Hello and thank you for the application. Currently we have no tank vacancies.
Good luck in your guild search.