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Personal Information:
Name: Lian
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Denmark
Occupation: Student
About yourself:
I'm a fairly cool and relaxed guy that goes to third year in Gymnasium, which is something we have in the Scandinavian countries, that is required for university entry. Since I am at my third and last year I can't afford to slack, which means that it will always be my first priority to finish my assignments in good time and read up on exams when we get to the month of June. I plan to take one or two years of break from school, before I go to university to study law.
In my free time, I like to spent time with my friends, mostly in the weekends though since in the week days im usually busy with either school stuff or raiding. I do get to see my friends from school since it's just easier like that. It could sound like I am quite the busy guy, but in reality I manage to maintain all aspects of my live very decently - school, friends, wow.
I'm a guy that likes to have a laugh about most things I engage with in my every day life. Sometimes I can loose track of when it's too much and I need to tone it down for the sake of others (the ones with no humour I tell you!..) should that happen, dont hesitate to let me know.. I might stop.. if you're lucky.. in fact I wont, deal with it!
In-Game Information:
Character name: Verokk
Race: Human
Class: Death Knight
Main Specialization: Unholy
Off Specialization: Blood
Item Level: 693
Professions: Jewelcrafting (700) and Blacksmithing (700)
Economy: 130.000 Gold
Battle Tag: Merke#2379
Gameplay Information:
Explanation of talents:
Tier 1: Plague Leech / Unholy Blight
I use Plague Leech by default, because of the damage output given by it, is the highest of all three options in this tier. I use it on cool down every 30 seconds in order to gain two additional death runes. This is best put to use when all your death and unholy are depleted to gain the maximum effect. In an AoE/Cleave situation in which Blood Boil would be more sufficient than Scourge Strike, you can Plague Leech the main target and then immediately after press Blood Boil as many times as you wish to regain diseases on the main target again from the adjacent targets. However if I am using the tier 6 talent; Necrotic Plague, then Unholy Blight is the best option possible by default since of the way the two abilities match together.
Example: At the start of the fight you can pop Unholy Blight rather than Outbreak to gain diseases on the target, and it will work as an additional diseases applier that way. Most importantly because it keeps reapplying diseases to nearby targets in a small radius distance, it speeds up the stacking of the Necrotic Plague disease, so that you have fifteen stacks shortly after you have engaged the encounter.
Tier 2: Purgatory
Purgatory is by far the best talent of this tier. It works as a life-saver and simply allows you make a mistake and get away with it, or intentionally soak different mechanics – it is not often put to use in that form, because it doesn’t heal you back up again, but simply gives your healers a few seconds to heal the player back up again. The damage would have to be so low that Death Pact /+ Health Tonic would be enough to save the player. Anti-Magic Zone is not as viable as it used to be, due to the redesign of the ability. The actual uptime of the ability, along with the “not so impressive” percentage of magical damage reduction doesn’t make it the most attractive ability of the tier. I can come to think of two encounters where it could potentially have an effect: Flamebender Ka’graz and The Blast Furnace.
Tier 3: Death’s Advance
Death’s Advance is the only option for this tier. Passive speed boost and a handy speed increasing use-effect, which is great utility for any encounter, even one as still as Gruul, for when moving from Overhead Smash. Chillblains could work in a situation where you need to root/slow adds with Frost Fever or Icy Chains. There are no currently no encounters within this tier that requires such crowd control, and especially not from a Death Knight.
Tier 4: Blood Tap
Blood Tap yields the most damage out of the three talents offered in this tier. Runic Corruption is a close second, and very viable in terms of damage output, but doesn’t pull ahead if Blood Tap is managed well, which is not as difficult a task that some people proclaim it to be.
Tier 5: Death Pact
Death Pact is the only of the three survival abilities that doesn’t consume any of my recourses, that could otherwise be put to use as damage. It has a large and immediate effect, and the cool down isn’t absurdly long.
Tier 6: Gorefiend’s Grasp
Gorefiend’s Grasp seem to be the only useful talent of this tier, at least for our current content. It can be used to grip adds on Operator Thogar and on Beastlord Darmarc. It can also have a great impact on The Blast Furnace, when the adds are in the shield zone and are casting/stunned or are just not moving out fast enough, then I can grip them out, a side from the boss himself of course. It is also fairly nice to have gripping trash packs closer to the tank(s). If there ever would be another option in this tier, it would be Remorseless Winter, but as I already mentioned, there are no encounters that call for it in the current content.
Tier 7: Defile / Necrotic Plague
I use Defile by default because of the damage output being the strongest of the three options in the tier. However Necrotic Plague is more efficient for fights where Defile isn’t optimal for the fights mechanics. I use Breath of Sindragosa on single-target fights where I can soak any magical damage, in order to gain additional runic power (fx. Gruul and Oregorger).
Example: On a fight like Blackhand where the boss is on the move most of the time, Defile simply can’t attain its highest effect. You therefor need Necrotic Plague that stays on the target regardless of position. Necrotic Plague is also quite beneficial for the adds on the balcony – getting smashed up there and doing a round of spreading the plague to all targets should be enough to kill them with the help of Boomkin DoTs.
Explanation of glyphs:
Glyph of Regenerative Magic:
Default. This glyph is fantastic because it heavily reduces the cool down of my Anti-Magic Shell, depending on the amount of Magic Damage absorbed. In many cases, this wont be to the maximum, since I very often use to increase my damage by gaining runic power from AMS, and thus this glyph increases the uptime of it, and therefor increases my overall damage output. On fights like Flamebender Ka’graz, I could walk into the Fiery Link and receive 3-4 stacks of Singe and then pop my AMS and walk out. I will then have it ready again for the next Firestorm even because of the glyph. It is replaceable in encounters in which there is NO magic damage whatsoever.
Glyph of Blood Boil:
Default. Having a larger range for your Blood Boil can make quite the difference in terms of your AoE output, due to the adds in several encounters very often being spread in a larger radius that Blood Boil can reach, and thus I lose that AoE/Cleave damage. An example could be the Blast Furnace fight, in which the adds at times in both phase 1 and 2 can be spread a bit too much, and while Gorefiend’s Grasp can make a difference at that, the glyph still makes a major difference in that scenario.
Glyph of Raise Ally:
Default. This glyph simply allows me to resurrect my fellow team members without wasting any damage-recourses. This should be one of my default glyphs at all times, except for a few fights such as Tectus mythic where I needed: Glyph of Death Grip for gripping in the Night-Twisted Pale, Glyph of Blood Boil for AoE in last phase and same with Glyph of Regenerative Magic, giving me AMS more often for the Crystalline Barrage, that becomes almost unavoidable for a least some seconds in phase three.
Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell:
On encounters where I actually need the full capacity of my Anti-Magic Shell to soak a certain ability or survive an attack of some sort, I need this glyph – and my glyph of Regenerative Magic will becomes useless anyhow, since it will not decrease the cool down of AMS if the “absorption shield” is used up.
Glyph of Absorb Magic:
For encounters where you need a bigger absorption shield from the effect of Anti-Magic Shell, this glyph will do the job for you by increasing the total effect of AMS by 100%. It is rarely the case that you need this big of an absorption shield, and as a downside, you lose the runic power gain from AMS.
Glyph of Death Grip:
If I need a longer range on my Death Grip for gripping certain adds in some fights, and they possible could be out of range at times, this glyph is mandatory. I can think of Tectus on Mythic difficulty as a good example of where I needed a longer grip to grip the Night-Twisted Pale into the melee, so that the tank could tank it and we could cleave it down along with the boss. It was crucial that this task was performed flawlessly, meaning the add should be gripped almost immediately, before it one/two shotted the range DPS.
Damage Rotation:
Defile => Soul Reaper -> Dark Transformation -> Blood Plague & Frost Fever -> Death Coil (Sudden Doom proc) -> Scourge Strike -> Festering Strike -> Death Coil
Defile and Soul Reaper are my highest hitting abilities. If the target stays in for the full duration of Defile, or if there is merely more than one target inside, then Defile will always be my best spent rune of all my abilities. Secondly, Soul Reaper along with Defile takes priority over anything else, even diseases on targets lower than 45%, due to the shadow portion of the damage being as high as it is. After that, using Dark Transformation to power up my ghoul pet is my next priority. However Scourge Strike does take priority over both Death Coil and Festering Strike under most circumstances, however there are many exceptions/rules so to speak. Sudden Doom proc(s) takes priority over both SS and FS, since otherwise they be wasted Blood Tap stacks.
If my runic power is nearly capped, (110-125) then I need to spent at least one Death Coil to not cap my runic power and therefor waste potential Blood Tap stacks. Festering Strike takes priority over SS and Death Coil should I have a set pair of runes consisting of one Blood and Frost rune. The purpose of this is to utilize Reaping, which converts all runes spent towards Pestilence, Festering Strike and Icy Touch into Death Runes when they regenerate. I can then use those Death Runes towards my harder hitting ability; Scourge Strike. If you want to attain a high DPS or ranking, you need to play to your max. capabilities, and while I do not always manage to play absolutely perfectly, just like no one is, I strife for it at all times. If I had to mention some of the key differences between a good and a bad DPS Death Knight, it would be:
1. Using Plague Leech on cool down
2. Having as much Soul Reaper uptime as possible
3. Managing your Blood Tap right, not over capping them, knowing when to save your stacks
4. Utilizing AMS and Dark Simulacrum for DPS gains on fights where it be a DPS increase
5. Most important of all, managing your runes to maximize the amount of Scourge Strikes
Stat rotation is Strength -> Multistrike -> Mastery -> Crit -> Versatility => Haste
Defile/Death and Decay = Shift + C
Outbreak = Shift + D
Scourge Strike = E
Death Coil = R
Festering Strike = T
Soul Reaper = F
Plague Strike = V
Death Strike = Shift + G
Blood Boil = Shift + N
Icebound Fortitude = Shift + T
Anti-Magic Shell = N
Every Man For Himself = Control + Spacebar
Death’s Advance = Shift + E
Dark Transformation = Q
Blood Tap = Shift + R
Empower Rune Weapon = Shift + Spacebar
Burst Macro = Shift + Q
Summon Gargoyle = Shift + X
Plague Leech = Shift + 5
Death Pact = Shift + 5
Raise Ally = Shift + 6
Army of the Dead = Shift + M
Gorefiend’s Grasp = 6
Death Grip = 1
Death Grip Focus Macro = Shift + 1
Icy Chains = G
Mind Freeze = 4
Mind Freeze Focus Macro = Shift + 4
Leap = 3
Gnaw = Control + F
Strangulate/Asphyxiate = Mouse Button 5
Strangulate/Asphyxiate Focus Macro = Mouse Button 4
Dark Simulacrum = 2
Dark Simulacrum Focus Macro = Shift + 2
Blood/Unholy Presence Macro = Control + 1
Raise Dead = X
Horn of Winter = 8
Draenic Strength Potion = Shift + V
Healing Tonic = Shift + B
/ = Logging Macro
Mass Resurrection = 7
Scourge Strike Macro:
#showtooltip Scourge Strike
/cast Scourge Strike
Burst Macro:
#showtooltip Summon Gargoyle
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Summon Gargoyle
Focus Death Grip Macro:
#showtooltip Death Grip
/cast [target=focus] Death Grip
Focus Mind Freeze Macro:
#showtooltip Mind Freeze
/cast [target=focus] Mind Freeze
Strangulate/Asphyxiate Macro:
#showtooltip Strangulate
/cast [target=focus] Strangulate
Blood/Unholy Presence Macro:
#showtooltip Blood Presence
/cast Blood Presence
/cast Unholy Presence
UI and Addons:
WeakAuras 2
Deadly Boss Mods
Compact Runes
Skada Damage Meter
I use ElvUI for my UI along with a couple other addons. I have ExtraCD to show me the proc(s) and cool down of my trinkets, legendary ring and Purgatory talent. For combat text, I have MikScrollingBattleText, which I can place anywhere I want on my screen and I very much like the text font. I use the WeakAuras addon as well for certain mechanics in different fights but mostly for showing when some of my key abilities are ready, such as Soul Reaper, and the uptime and stacks of Shadow Infusion/Dark Transformation and Necrotic Plague. I use Deadly Boss Mods for timers and such, and Compact Runes for showing my runes, so that I that I can easily know when to use Festering Strike and when not to. Last but not least, I use Skada Damage Meter for showing relevant raid numbers (healing, dps etc.) Generally my UI can sometimes be a big cluttered during combat with the combat text in the center of the screen being quite close, but thats how I feel I play best.
Technical Information:
At the moment, my internet connection is splendid as you can see down below. Solid headset, mouse, keyboard etc. graphic card could be better. I will get a new and better one soon, but it works fine, seeing as I don’t lack on any bosses. I use my microphone regulary as I am quite vocal whilst playing the game both in- and outside of raids.
Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz 3.10 GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 8.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
Upload Speed: 43.87
Download Speed: 42.9
Ping: 11
Headset: SteelSeries Siberia V2
Keyboard: Razer Black Widow Ultimate
Mouse: Razer Naga 2014
Mouse Pad Razer Goliathus
Additional Information
What specializations of your class are you familiar with?
I can play any specialization of my class inc. 1H and 2H Frost, Masterfrost and Blood. I’m not a huge fan of playing Frost because of the simple playstyle in which you pretty much only have three abilities you need to concern yourself with. I use to be Blood as main spec a long time ago, and lately I have tanked a couple times here and there and have enjoyed quite much again. I do not have any gear for tanking as it is right now, but I definitely be willing to gear for it if there is a demand for a Blood reserve tank.
How often do you play? Please indicate time and hours. What is your '/playtime' on your main character/maintained alts?
Played time: 313 days
I play nearly every day. I log in to do my Garrison at least, and if anything is going on I stick around. I do quite a lot of Rated Battlegrounds as well from time to time. I show up for raids and prepare to them in good time, hard to say how many hours really, cause I am online a lot, but I might be studying meanwhile or watching some Game of Thrones or any of that sort. I love to attend to events such as achievement runs like Meta or Gold Challenge modes.
Notable Alts:
Survival Hunter
My Hunter was my main PvE character during Siege of Orgrimmar.
Subtlety Rogue
I leveled my Rogue solely to play RBGs and Arena on it, but I never had the time to fully commit to it.
Discipline Priest
My Priest was created for the purpose of playing arena, but just like the Rogue, I never had the time to fully commit to it. I did however play some arena with it and did fairly well.
I should note as well that I am the kind of player that will change my spec, role or even class to accommodate my guild. I have done this before even, when I rerolled Hunter during Siege of Orgrimmar, since the guild I was applying to needed range DPS slightly more than they needed melee. If I were to reroll in near future, classes I consider would be: Hunter, Retribution Paladin, Boomkin perhabs even Restoration Druid or Discipline Priest.
Keep in mind that I currently lack a very important item piece, that by it self will does a significant difference to my dps, and that is the trinket from Iron Maidens. … amage-done Gruul Mythic … amage-done Oregorger Mythic … amage-done Flamebender Mythic … amage-done Blackhand Heroic Imperator Mythic Wipes
Raid History:
I started playing World of Warcraft in the Burning Crusade on my Warrior. At the time I was twelve years old, so I didn't play the game as competitively. As soon as Wrath of the Lich King came out, I created my Death Knight, which I have played ever since, with the exception of Siege of Orgrimmar, at which I played my Hunter. During Wrath I managed to clear all content on heroic/hard mode. However, the most notable experience I have from that expansion is killing Lich King Heroic. The rest I did not achieve during the respectable patches, therefor making it less impressive. When Cataclysm came out, I raided with a new guild at first, but after a very short time, I realized I was burnt out from the game, so I toke a break that lasted until the end of Firelands. It was then I met Smacker, who played his Hunter back then as well. At first, we were planning to make a guild ourselves, but then we ended up moving to the server, Bladefist, to join the guild Sanity. This was a top300-400 guild worldwide at the time, and we did very well there, clearing Dragon Soul heroic, eventually achieving core raider rank and becoming a part of the main team, that was going to merge with a guild of the opposing faction, since we had a mass guild quit of six core people. At first, we were in on the idea of merging with a 10-man guild to stabilize ourselves again as a 25-man guild, but since we didn’t agree with the terms of the merge (like who was gonna change faction etc.) and also counting in the fact that some of the best players in the guild was either transferring or quitting the game entirely, we ended up leaving instead.
This time it was to Silvermoon, in a guild which name I don’t quite recall. It didn’t end very well, in short words the raid leading officer didn’t particularly like me as a person. A few days later, we were contacted by the guild master of a guild named Balance on Grim Batol, which was a top100 worldwide at the time, during Dragon Soul. He had seen our logs and very much encouraged us to submit an application. We did so, joined the guild and stayed there for a few months until the release of Mist of Pandaria. It didn’t really work out between us and one of the officers. After that, Smacker toke a break and I joined a guild called Clarity that disbanded two weeks after I joined. The next guild I went to was Winds of Creation, which I was in for around half a year and achieved my 3x Cutting Edge with in T14.
I toke a break from just PvE this time, and started focusing on getting Hero of the Alliance, which I had by far, until I toke a break from PvP for three-four months to focus on my Hunter, that I wanted to play with in Siege of Orgrimmar, since Smackér had started playing PvE again as well. We joined a guild called Final Evolution on Darksorrow and were there for nearly seven months before we decided it was enough. We had known that the progression of the guild had not been to our standards before that, and therefore it was a mistake to stay there for so long, but we felt loyalty to the guild and wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. This is a much more complex subject, but I rather not describe it on a public forum. You are welcome to ask about it in whisper or an interview, should we ever get to that. In terms of my raiding experience in the current content, I completed 5/7 Mythic bosses in Highmaul and 5/10 Mythics in Blackrock Foundry. I had a lot of tries on Imperator Mythic as well (to P4).
Have you ever lead a raid? If so, how many times and where?
During Wrath of the Lich King, I arranged many groups by myself to progress through Icecrown Citadel at times. I had a weekly 25-man ICC run every Friday for a long period of time that was known to be successful. I’ve also lead raids for some of my past guilds, Winds of Creation being one. To tell you the truth, I was not never really that great at it, since I can loose my temper if people makes too many silly mistakes, and as a raid leader you need to keep your calm and constructive at all times. I have great respect for the people that can deal with others making ridiculous mistakes and still be patient with them. I do however keep my calm as a raider, so don’t worry about me raging at anybody, that’s not what I do, I just rather not have the responsibility of reminding players to execute basic mechanics properly.
What can we expect to see from you?
Over the years I've been playing this game, I have seen and played with some very skilled Death Knights, and have therefor been challenged quite a lot. Honestly though, out of all of these, I say I've only met two I thought as my equals in terms of skill. One of these were considered by some to be one of the best in Europe at the time, and I still beat him the majority of the time, simply because not dying to mechanics and doing decent dps isn't enough for me. I push myself to my limits when it comes to my damage output and do whatever I can possible to increase it, I have hundreds of rune stones (the 50 strength ones) in my bank, and I use them very often, even though its expensive cause I wanna be competetive. I go and look at logs of other Death Knights on encounters to see what they do and compare them with each other and myself to learn more that way as well. I'm not above learning from others of course, I sit and watch their rotation from start to end to see what they do different, and then I might try it so see if it beats my rotation.
It sounds very arrogant to say, but im confident I can beat any Death Knight on the meters if I have the same gear and am in the same guild as them, to put it simply; there is no one I can't compete with. That is in my opinion what makes me worth your while - because I care about my performance enough to not settle with "good" or "great", I strife for an exellent performance at all times. That dosen't mean I always deliver, but I sure as hell try. When I do make mistakes, I usually never do it more than once either, because I can't live knowing that someone else is outplaying me. Picking me over any other Death Knight also means you get a responsible raider that you can trust enough to do any assignement on any boss at all times. Whether it's balcony, interrupting, ship etc. You say the word, and I do it!
Also when I dedicate myself to a guild I give it 100% and do whatever I can to help the guild. In my past two guilds I’ve done a lot of the officer’s work and nearly became one at a point. If you decide to let me in your guild, I be willing to put in the same effort and dedication, and a lot more on top of that to all aspects of the guild (recruitment in form of advertising, headhunting, maintenance of recruitment platforms, tactics and logs etc.)
What are your expectations for The Enigma Order?
I expect a guild with steady progression to a respectable level. By that, I mean that I want to clear content fast enough to achieve Cutting Edge every patch of the expansion. While I can be flexible with my spot if need be, I am not applying for the bench. I have never been a bench player, always one of the core raiders and I like it to stay that way. I don’t expect to get a spot however if there are players that can outperform me though, and as I’ve already mentioned, I do pass my spot if I don’t need any gear or someone really needs it more than I do. Those aren't really the most important things to me however. The single most important, is that there is a social community within the guild, where there is room for having a laugh both in- and outside of raids. I’m the kind of player that can stay in a guild for quite a while if I find myself at home. My biggest goal in this game is to create relationships with other people whilst playing at a respectable level.
Last edited by Merke (2015-04-03 23:07:10)
Thank you for the application, we will get back to you shortly.
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