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Age: 22
Gender: Male
Nationality: South African
Occupation: Student/Scientist
How good is your English: Good
Anything else about you, the person, we might be interested in:
I applied to you guild before, during SoO, when my guild disbanded. Apparently you did not need any more melee. I could not find a viable guild, so I quit wow till recently. Now I am very keen on the new content and thought I would reapply, however I am not as impressive as back then.
Nickame: Lusian
BattleTag: Lusian#2572
Armory Link: … ian/simple
Mainspec: Fury
Offspec: Arms
Professions: Engineering/Blacksmithing
Regardless of its quality (ilvl), is you gear fully taken care of?
I always try to have my gear optimized, ie. I only use item with viable stats ect., even if it is a lower ilv.
What do you consider the most significant pros and cons of your class/spec in the current state of affairs:
Warriors have always had awesome cleave and AoE dps, and still one of the top single target.
Are any of your alts suit for raiding? If so, tell us about them and link armory profile:
I have an alt mage that I want to gear, but he still has a way to go, so no. To be honest my main isn't exactly geared for progression yet, I need a guild to help me through a couple of heroics so That I can catch up.
Please provide a WoL log presenting your awesomeness. In absence of logs, post screenshots of recount/skada from an encounter of the current tier.
Without this, you will most likely be rejected.
I have no recent logs, because I have not raided in almost a year. I can get screenshots from lfr if you want, but would prefer to no have to do that. I am behind on gear so I will not be the most impressive dps from the start, but I do know my class and spec and have always been one of the top dps in every guild I have joined. Feel free to find my previous application from back in mists and see how I compared when I was at the same level as others.
What's your best result in Prooving Grounds? This is especially valuable in case you cannot provide WoL log.
Proven assailant, 37 waves in mists. Was realm top 5 when I completed it.
Which pve addons do you use?
Tell me when
Show us your UI.
Raiding Experience (we're mostly interested in your achievements in the current expansion, but do impress us with previous experience if you feel it helps):
Started playing: I started playing on a private server called Molten-WoW back in 2010, moved to retail when all my friends left me in 2011. Been on Ravencrest since then.
Content Cleared:
-ICC on a WotLK private server (doesn't count)
-Dragon Soul 8/8hc
-Took a break from raiding/wow till 2 weeks before 5.4 due to pc repairs and studies. Managed to clear ToT 6/12 hc on my hunter.
-SoO 12/14hc (now mythic) until my guild disbanded, then I stopped playing. We were realm top ten at the time, similar to you.
What attendence should we realistically expect from you (for the sake of clarity, please note that while our Monday and Thursday raids start at 19.30, the Sunday one starts at 18.45). If you can't make it on any of our raiding days on a general basis, do not apply.
Close to 100%, however I am a student first and if priorities arise in the future then an exception will have to be made.
Any external factors affecting activity we ought to know about (some flexibility applies, but we really want players able to join all 3 raids a week):
Only affairs regarding my studies and power supply.
Why are you applying to The Enigma Order, what made you choose us, when and where did you first hear about us:
I want to raid a a similar level to where I was previously, and I know your guild is at that level. I have known about you for a long time, an that make you a priority application.
Please confirm that you have read and understood our rules and they are ok for you (yes, this is our way to ensure we're not asked somewhat silly questions that are already answered in writing at the Rules section of the forum):
Is there anything else you would like to include that may assist your application?
I am not nearly as impressive now as I would like to be, but hopefully with your help I can restore my former glory. I have had an Archimonde Hc boost recently, but that is irrelevant. Have a look at my previous application for am I idea of how I compare to others under normal conditions.
Intel Core i5
8 gb ram
ninja GTX650
Windows 8
Please post Speed Test results. Run it from your place to Frankfurt, Germany.
Is your computer good enough to handle 25 man heroic raids? If you only did 10 man and lfr until now, say so please.
Yes, previous guild was 25m hc
Do you have a working microphone and are you able to connect to TS3 servers?
Should you be accepted, you will be asked to provide your cellphone number to the leading team. This is for the sake of on-going coordination, your number will not be made public nor used for anything not related to the game. Is this ok?
Thank you for the application. Still no change on our end though, all full as far as melee goes. Good luck in your guild search.