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Hello. I was wondering, how many of you got innervate? Just curious.
I do... Tried Feral and oomkin... Got nice feral gear, but shitty balance gear, and my likings to them was following to my gear.
Still im Innervate by heart, im a healer and proud of it!
EDIT: Oh shit, Muldvarpen here not roguen, we work at the same place, im bored so trolling your forums
Last edited by Rogueen (2006-01-20 12:47:54)
you betta buy yourself some mana potions! hardcore balance to the bone!
Its not druids that need mana pots, its the priests. Only time i dont give it to priests is in MC, then mages get it, they will love you forever and be your waterboy till the day you die
Tal have innervate, so thats all I need to know
/cheer Talmira
i have it (or actually quip
Obscure wrote:
Tal have innervate, so thats all I need to know
/cheer Talmira
Innervate ftw
I have innervate, i am full restoration 0/0/51
Innervate here too, for now at least
"for now at least" ?
Are you thinking of going oomkin as well?
Nope , one day ill become what no druid wants to become, fully feral druid
Hehehe, feral druids suck endgame imho
Much better build for pvp is 1/19/31 imo, cause you only loose 20% strength, 3% critchance in bearform and 20% damage on claw+maul+shred but what you get is an instant heal and no need to buy expensive drinks cause you can just innervate yourself in battle / between battles every 6 minutes. Nature's Swiftness saved my life countless times and innervate too for when you heal yourself oom and need mana to shapeshift.
And ofc. with the right equipment, you can compensate the strength, critchance and damage loss.
Last edited by Pustbunker (2006-01-31 14:54:51)
Pustbunker wrote:
Hehehe, feral druids suck endgame imho
endgame as in PvE 40 man raids? anything that doesn't boost ur healing sucks then.
Pustbunker wrote:
Much better build for pvp is 1/19/31 imo, cause you only loose 20% strength, 3% critchance in bearform and 20% damage on claw+maul+shred
u even looked at the feral tree?
Pustbunker wrote:
no need to buy expensive drinks cause you can just innervate yourself in battle / between battles every 6 minutes.
get free drinks from a pro mage that are better then those "expensive" drinks, innervate ooc ftw btw....
Pustbunker wrote:
innervate too for when you heal yourself oom and need mana to shapeshift.
crap mana pot > innervate when u need mana to shift into form.
Pustbunker wrote:
And ofc. with the right equipment, you can compensate the strength, critchance and damage loss.
ehmm.. no.
Pustbunker wrote:
Nature's Swiftness saved my life countless times
/agree, imba skill and i miss it often since i specced to my current build
sry if this all looks hostile to u, but was very bored and must defend the FERAL druid !
btw /bow to chimp ( the druid that makes every trinklet mage look like a cute lil baby )
/cheer to TeO, really nice to see a long existing guild still going strong in these times where i hear guild after guild going down.
too lazy to register, banaantje 14/32/5 druid
edit: just see tover is still logged on, oh well.
Last edited by tovernaarthe (2006-05-01 03:55:06)
tovernaarthe wrote:
u even looked at the feral tree?
Ofc. I'm a druid after all.
tovernaarthe wrote:
get free drinks from a pro mage that are better then those "expensive" drinks, innervate ooc ftw btw....
I am not going to bug random mages for water, that pisses them off, which I totally understand. And with the expensive drinks I also meant potions.
tovernaarthe wrote:
crap mana pot > innervate when u need mana to shift into form.
crap mana pot, gets your potions on cooldown, then you need to shift back to 'healer' form once more and oops, dang your oom, no heals, Horde after you = dead druid. Besides, innervate 'keeps your options open' (read: allows you to moonfire spam when youre almost dead)
Pustbunker wrote:
And ofc. with the right equipment, you can compensate the strength, critchance and damage loss.
tovernaarthe wrote:
ehmm.. no.
What I mean with this, is that an extremely well 0/20/31 feral equipped druid, can and will outdamage any green equipped feral druid. Past feral charge, the only real abilities that are exclusive to feral are Blood Frenzy and Faerie Fire (but you can already do that in humanoid form). What I mean is that pretty much the entire feral tree is build on extra damage and just that. The 3% crit can be emulated by an unstoppable force with 25 agi enchant. The 5 Heart of the Wild talents can be emulated by just getting more strength gear, same for predatory strikes etc.
tovernaarthe wrote:
sry if this all looks hostile to u, but was very bored and must defend the FERAL druid !
It's just your vision of the druid, mine is clearly different. But what I actually meant is that feral druids are infact, I think maybe the most imba class of pvp when played right. Feral druids rock the battlegrounds, but PvE, then no offence feral dr00ds: reroll rogue, or heck even boobkin Point is that healing is always nice to have in PvE.
Last edited by Pustbunker (2006-05-01 15:41:42)
My drood is back to 14/32/5 mainly because i use it in PvP cheap shifts, omen of clarity for unpredictable burst damage etc. I've also found that ferals actually make damn good hybrids in those 5 man instances being able to serve as MT / healer / DPS. Sucks that once you raid feral hybriding is harder
omg draken... didn't know that
this meens that we can have 20% more mana from Heart of the wild, and still have innervate.. thats plain insane
or chimp can now dish out alot more moonfire spams in moonkin :S
This is going to be a major impact on how we play our druids i think. Druids like me, who can't live without it, are going to get alot more options like we always wanted. Im sure i'll still spec some points in resto though.
"Once the patch is live, any Druid who formerly had the Innervate talent will instead have the "Swiftmend" talent, which has been added to the Druid Restoration tree, replacing Innervate as the 31 point talent. This new ability will consume a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect to produce an instant heal. "
sounds nice
HAHAHA! the big flaw of the balance tree is fixed! oomkin my ass!
OMG.. please tell me that they have made it so innervate can only be used on druids and mages that make water
but seriously that is insanely great news
Like mojo said it will give you more options as how you can spec, which is good
But TEO don't really need innervate we are too imba for that
and for me...giev more innervates @ chromaggus plx
Kashtan wrote:
Nope , one day ill become what no druid wants to become, fully feral druid
ROFL ^^ looking back, thats the craziest thing you have ever said xD
i wrote:
"This is going to be a major impact on how we play our druids i think"
and it was
Ahh the days when feral got buffed, and innervate a core skill
best time in WoW <3
awsome topic who has innervate??
Last edited by mojorising (2007-05-10 03:25:49)