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* 8. Re: Question (Not Flame) about Water Elementa | 12/07/2006 10:39:53 PM PST
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I am not really sure what you guys are smoking, but i definitely want some.
Anyhow, to the OP of this thread who obviously posted this to gain more knowledge and not to whine / be stupid, i will try to give you the most proper i can come up with.
First off, the mage that posted right after you, or maybe one or two post down, made some very valid points, and everything he said about the pet (ranged frost nova, extra damage while you kite elites, etc etc) gave you a very good idea of what the pet can be useful for, although i would like to add a few circumstances where I've found the pet to be an invaluable companion.
First off in BG's (not arena, i wont waste time explaining how the pet is just imo the best thing for us in arenas) does it never happen to you in AB that you get killed, alliance start cap'ing flag, you rez up and need to run and interupt them asap. Summoning your pet then and making it ranged FN can very often save a node (whereas if you had to run to them and arc exp or CoC the nod might've been lost, you all know how it often plays on 1 or 2 seconds close).
Second, in WSG, either flag carrier running away with group, you frost nova them all and buy very precious seconds to catch them up, CoC and slow their whole team down while yours gets there to help. More over, as it often happens, the flag carrier rushs ahead alone, with the rest of the team following behind, you can range FN the team, and let someone else (or blink towards flag carrier and solo him) take him out midfield while he's alone and his team mates are stuck behind. Yes FN can be cleansed / dispelled, but yet again thats precious seconds they are losing.
Those are just two PvP aspect that i find important as i very often use my pet in those circumstances.
As for AE kiting, do you guys never wish you could frost nova, cone of cold, then have time to back away and start Blizzard'ing?
I know i've dreamed of doing that for a long time, and now i can, i can rush in, frost nova, cone of cold, summon pet, re-frost nova, run max range while everyone is still frozen, and land a perfect blizzard without runners escaping and ruining my channeled spell.
More over, so far in Beta have you guys not yet realized the insane control deep frost mages bring to groups? I know i did Slave Pens a couple of times, and when those pulls get buggy and you get 8-9 elite scarabs rushing you, theres nothing like a mage that knows how to AE kite them all with lvl 1 blizzard while the group gently picks mobs out of the blizzard one at a time. And the WE helps alot to do that.
I find the frost tree to have the best in game synergy, its absolutely great, i can see no better spec from any class that is so complementary. Right now i am 02 / 00 / 59 and im loving this spec like there's no tomorrow.
Granted I'm not saying i am always #1 in dps (though that extra shatter from the pet is great for dps with ice lance), but i had my fair share of fun doing damage so pre-Beta, right now i see myself as the best available in game CC, one of the top 3 damage dealing classes, and i dont give two sh*ts if warlocks or rogues end a 5man run with 15k more damage than me, specialy when i saved the group many times with absolutly awsome crowd control.
Apart of that i also dont agree on people saying the pet has a 3minute cooldown, technicaly if you use it properly the pet has a 2minute 15second cooldown, since the cooldown timer goes off once you cast the pet and the pet himself lasts 45seconds.
So basicaly the new pet is like a trinket (15sec extra cooldown OH NOES !!!!!) that hits for 750 every 2.5 seconds, is immuned to all ice and water spells, gives you two extra frost nova for either extra dps or extra crowd control, depending on the situation.
To make this pet usefull, you have to sit down and think about all the possibilities this pet offers you, dont forget Blizzard is aiming at making WoW alot more tactical, and apart of Marks / Surviv hunter, ice mages are as strategic and tactical as they come, you just need to get used to them and master them, but once you do, i promis man, you are unstopable.
I didnt even mention the possibility of using your FN, CoC + ice lance + arc explosion, followed by pet FN, another CoC (your CoC is reset by now if you have ice floes) + ice lance + arc explosion.
Anyways, as i said before, if you arnt too sure how to use your pet, start by forcing yourself to pop him every time the cooldown is up, preferably wait an extra 10-15seconds if you only have 1 mob left to kill and are about to pull a pack of 3-4, but still put it next to your trinket and force yourself to use pet as often as possible.
After that it'll become a habit, just like trinkets became habits, and after it becomes a habit you'll start being able to see between the lines and start seeing all the wild possibilities this pet offers you.
Anyhow i am the biggest deep ice spec fanatic, and if you have questions feel overly free to catch me ingame anytime. If i am not on Beta then i am on retail, my character name is Savra and i play on Gilneas, feel free to drop by anytime, im always down for some mage strategies chat, also we can jump on vent and talk it over and its hell to write all this ish down.
Anyhow, i did my best to answer your question, i hope the answer provided was enough.
Sincerely yours,
- Savypoo.
too long, didnt read
no really, good points in there, sweter.
Last edited by Kelthalas (2006-12-15 05:16:39)
sweter wrote:
it's not mine, its a forward
no, but you posted it here
I have it now!! Teh Elemental!
I'm 0/10/41... now i feel like unkillable but equiped with pee shooter.
Enimusha wrote:
I have it now!! Teh Elemental!
I'm 0/10/41... now i feel like unkillable but equiped with pee shooter.
Hehe What's the ele HP and dmg?
Not sure but it was something like 2300hp and 2500 mana. The elementals bolts hit about 500-550.
but the ranged Frost Nova is IMBA!!
I'll have to do some serious testing tonight in the BG's.
my elemental hits for about 550-650 but his casting seems a bit fecked in that it doesnt seem to chaincast. it dies really fast though (havent checked HP but probably between 1550-2000) but what seems to work well is to position it ~20 yards away from me and behind the enemy(s) if possible (away from huntard multishots / cleave / whirlwind / harder to banish / AOE etc). Seems mega powerful in arenas since all CDs get cleared (i.e. coldsnap).
Extra frostnova is great for setting up even more shatters although I miss the interruption that DB gives Dont think I can play without iceblock/barrier anymore.....
Beardstorm wrote:
my elemental hits for about 550-650 but his casting seems a bit fecked in that it doesnt seem to chaincast. it dies really fast though (havent checked HP but probably between 1550-2000) but what seems to work well is to position it ~20 yards away from me and behind the enemy(s) if possible (away from huntard multishots / cleave / whirlwind / harder to banish / AOE etc). Seems mega powerful in arenas since all CDs get cleared (i.e. coldsnap).
Extra frostnova is great for setting up even more shatters although I miss the interruption that DB givesDont think I can play without iceblock/barrier anymore.....
What I missed the most when I was 0/20/31 frost elemental, was lack of DoT's and a low base damage. I'm a gangster, You know, I need to kill fast. Or die trying.
Gangsta yo lol
Be a COOL gansta and spec frost...
I know what you mean.. fire has so much more balls than frost spec. But then again, mage with 4500hp and deep frost spec is pretty much unkillable in 1on1 or even 1on2, so he will be the last one having THE balls when they get in trouble.
Last night when i tried the elemental, i didnt get the pet bar and i had to use macros to control the elemental, anyone know whats up with that?
Enimusha wrote:
Gangsta yo lol
Be a COOL gansta and spec frost...![]()
I know what you mean.. fire has so much more balls than frost spec. But then again, mage with 4500hp and deep frost spec is pretty much unkillable in 1on1 or even 1on2, so he will be the last one having THE balls when they get in trouble.
Last night when i tried the elemental, i didnt get the pet bar and i had to use macros to control the elemental, anyone know whats up with that?
working as intended
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