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* Each rank of "Improved Fireball" now reduces your spell damage coefficient by 2%.
* Each rank of "Improved Frostbolt" now reduces your spell damage coefficient by 2%.
* "Counterspell" no longer triggers the global cooldown.
* "Mana Shield" now absorbs magical damage as well as physical damage.
So, I'm not getting improved fireball/frostbolt anymore.
The rest is a buff aint it
What do you guys think ?
I'm not sure what to think of it, seems as if we've had too many people whining over PoM pyros imo...
I think its a nerf, a heavy one too. However, I'm not planning on taking the imp fireball or frostbolt anymore, since less dmg != good in any way... sure, 0,5 less cast time, but also less dmg, with a 10% of you spellpower.. thats quite alot imo.
Funny how they are targeting Fireball and not Pyroblast... they might see this from a pve perspective only.
Taking the improved versions of the spells will allow you to spam 20% more spells per second but with 10% less impact. I guess it boils down to whether you like to spam or not.
Also, a 1 second Rank 1 frost bolt is godlike in pvp (at least that's my impression when fighting alongside and against mages).
Last edited by xzar (2007-01-22 13:02:22)
xzar wrote:
Taking the improved versions of the spells will allow you to spam 20% more spells per second but with 10% less impact. I guess it boils down to whether you like to spam or not.
Also, a 1 second Rank 1 frost bolt is godlike in pvp (at least that's my impression when fighting alongside and against mages).
Yea, for instance with a Fire/shatter build you can make Fireball main nuke and NOT take improved, but still have 5/5 imp frostbolt for just that reason. Funny isnt it, and imo not the way it should be...
EDIT: This is to me, a way for blizzard to nerf our +dmg, wich again is a nerf to our gear. So in a sence you can say that blizz just said: "We're kinda scared to give mage's more +dmg, since they prolly will do just to much dmg". So instead they nerf a talent, that is in a sence a 10% less dmg on all mage gear. =/
Last edited by denatus (2007-01-22 13:47:38)
Hm... My first question is: does the reduced spell damage coefficiency applies to frostbolt/fireball only, or to all spells (arcane missiles, scorch, ice lance, etc)? If only to fire/frostbolts, I can live with it. Otherwise, it's not something that I love... I hate spamming scorches in PvE - it deals such a crap damage to mobs that grinding with it is really painfull.
Also, remember about the ignite bug - if You crit too often (in a very short period of time), the latest ignites will overwrite the previous ones. When I'm using Molten Armor in PvE, I often 2,4k crit with an opening fireball, then the mob starts to hit me, and then Molten Armor crits him for 140. Guess which ignite ticks one second later...
So, because of that, spammning scorches and fireblasts is not my way of damage dealing. I think that for PvE, I'll stick with untalented fireball and will use the immprtal fire mage grinding pattern: fireball opener (3,5 or 3 seconds - doesnt really matter), scorch, fireblast, frost nova ---> and at this point it also doesnt matter if the fireball is talented or not, because we've got 5 seconds to cast. DB is now essential in fire builds, tho.
5 points from imp fireball I will spend on impact, and check the Molten Armor impact proc. It sounds very tempting and if it works, I will even say that this is not a nerf, but an overall buff in which Blizzard just points a cool way of playstyle. But that's only for fire mages. Frosties are screwed 2k because they have low damage anyways and they lack ignites from scorch/fireblast.
Other changes... TBH, I got used to CS being on a GCD and even felt it was natural. But if they want to give us the old imba version... Hey, thanks alot, lets give it a warm welcome <3
Mana shield absorbing magical damage... Hehe... Heehehehheheeh.. MUHAHAHAHAAHA..
Sorry, that's too good to be true. *takes 2/2 Improved mana shield instead of 2 ranks of improved intelligence talent*. With the overall INT buff we have in TBC, gnome mages can be caster killers. One question though: does it stack with fire/frost ward and ice barrier? Because if it does, warlocks and shadow priests are going to whine alot.
go cry more
Just to throw some wood on the fire:
I dont want to be too accurate:
Mage spec's without imp frostbolt:
Frostbolt base dmg: ~600, 3 sec cast.
Dmg coeffiecent: 90% ish
With empovered frostbolt: 100% ish
A mage with +600 spelldmg
Frostbolt hits: 600 + 600 = 1200
Dps: 400.
Mage specc's with imp Frostbolt:
Frost bolt base dmg: 600, 2.5 sec cast.
Dmg coeffecient: 80%
With empovered frostbolt: 90%
Frostbolt hits for: 600+540 = 1140
Dps: 480
As you can see, you still get more dps with improved fireball/frostbolt, however, as the proportion of your spelldmg goes above 50% of the base dmg you gain less and less on the imp frostbolt/fireball, so I'll show you a example of a mage with 1200 spellpower, to show my point:
Mage spec's without imp frostbolt:
Frostbolt base dmg: ~600, 3 sec cast.
Dmg coeffiecent: 90% ish
With empovered frostbolt: 100% ish
A mage with +1200 spelldmg
Frostbolt hits: 600 + 1200 = 1800
Dps: 600
Mage specc's with imp Frostbolt:
Frost bolt base dmg: 600, 2.5 sec cast.
Dmg coeffecient: 80%
With empovered frostbolt: 90%
Frostbolt hits for: 600 + 1080 = 1680
Dps: 672
Conclusion: As you can see, the more spellpower you get, the harder this talent will affect you. Also, it will always be better for the dps to take these talents, but you will loose burstdmg.
You in a practical sence: Take your spelldmg, remove 10% it or live with longer casttime.
sweter wrote:
Hm... My first question is: does the reduced spell damage coefficiency applies to frostbolt/fireball only, or to all spells (arcane missiles, scorch, ice lance, etc)? If only to fire/frostbolts, I can live with it. Otherwise, it's not something that I love... I hate spamming scorches in PvE - it deals such a crap damage to mobs that grinding with it is really painfull.
Also, remember about the ignite bug - if You crit too often (in a very short period of time), the latest ignites will overwrite the previous ones. When I'm using Molten Armor in PvE, I often 2,4k crit with an opening fireball, then the mob starts to hit me, and then Molten Armor crits him for 140. Guess which ignite ticks one second later...
So, because of that, spammning scorches and fireblasts is not my way of damage dealing. I think that for PvE, I'll stick with untalented fireball and will use the immprtal fire mage grinding pattern: fireball opener (3,5 or 3 seconds - doesnt really matter), scorch, fireblast, frost nova ---> and at this point it also doesnt matter if the fireball is talented or not, because we've got 5 seconds to cast. DB is now essential in fire builds, tho.
5 points from imp fireball I will spend on impact, and check the Molten Armor impact proc. It sounds very tempting and if it works, I will even say that this is not a nerf, but an overall buff in which Blizzard just points a cool way of playstyle. But that's only for fire mages. Frosties are screwed 2k because they have low damage anyways and they lack ignites from scorch/fireblast.
Other changes... TBH, I got used to CS being on a GCD and even felt it was natural. But if they want to give us the old imba version... Hey, thanks alot, lets give it a warm welcome <3
Mana shield absorbing magical damage... Hehe... Heehehehheheeh.. MUHAHAHAHAAHA..![]()
Sorry, that's too good to be true. *takes 2/2 Improved mana shield instead of 2 ranks of improved intelligence talent*. With the overall INT buff we have in TBC, gnome mages can be caster killers. One question though: does it stack with fire/frost ward and ice barrier? Because if it does, warlocks and shadow priests are going to whine alot.
These talents only does something to Fireball and Frostbolt, not scorch, icelance, arcane blast, arcane missiles, etc. Noone will take them if they affect more than this.
I don't get it
Mana shield - doesn't it only absorb, like, 700 damage? And it "burns" almost twice that from your mana - even when improved?
So really it only absorbs about half a normal spell hit from any decent nuker? Is that a life-saver?
Last edited by xzar (2007-01-22 18:59:52)
Apox wrote:
why would priests care about manashield? Dispel
Because mana shield costs 155 mana and dispel magic costs 14% (as thott says) mana. Mana shield is spammable. Mages - even when they're DOT-ed - can now sheep a priest, cast mana shield, bandage the DOT damage and go back to fight, fresh and clean.
xzar wrote:
I don't get it
Mana shield - doesn't it only absorb, like, 700 damage? And it "burns" almost twice that from your mana - even when improved?
So really it only absorbs about half a normal spell hit from any decent nuker? Is that a life-saver?
As I said to Apox - it can really help to survive alot of fights. Fire and Arcane mages have no defense against DoT's and very often we die to corruption/SW:P after the enemy is dead. Also, the DoT tick prevents us from bandaging, but if we could protect the 1st aid channeling, situation can change alot.
Mana shouldn't a problem, seeing as all casters' stats go skyhigh. Dont forget a mana gem and evocation...
Mages are fine. The change seems to be targetted at top end mages and trinket mages to limit the 1 hit kills (think warrior rage normalisation and warlock DoTs) and seems to be less about PvE raid damage since Arcane missiles/Bolt (or whatever it's called) is THE PvE damage tree right now just because of the extra hit chance and reduced aggro of the arcane tree
Shame about CS, it was better when it was affected by GCD, actually ment you had to time your instant spells instead of spamming them since each instant leaves you vulnerable to a 1.5 sec spell (i.e. fear and quick heals).
The mana shield thing is nice for those that want to spec arcane / fire since they have to worry less about DoTs killing them after a fight (and quite a strong buff to those builds vs affliction locks and shadow priests)
Still not sure about the warlock vs mage thing. They are both amazingly fun classes to play and completly different.
what a boring thread
Obscure wrote:
what a boring thread
I'll keep it short... me likes it!
Obscure wrote:
what a boring thread
How about an interesting rogue post:
btw. could ya post a link to the testrealm notes?
try this one jolt … realm.html