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At first, i didnt realy like this spell.. had to kinda abort the frostbolt spell to cast this ice lance.. but if you use it right after a frostbolt, when the mob is frozen, the show gets alot more fun.
For those who dont know, Ice Lance work like this:
It has a 170-199 frost damage(rank 1), if it hits a frozen target, the value is trippled. Its instant cast, and has no cooldown.
The resulted damage of an ice lance ends up like this:
170-199 times 3 + about 600-700 spelldamage, should end up at somwhere around 850-950 damage per hit. With 5 on the "ice shard" talent, our critdamage is increased with +100%, meaning an ice lance would crit for about 1700-1900 somewhere.
If you have the frostbite talent, frostbolts have 15% chance to freeze the target. So insteead of aborting the frostbolt, just finnish the frostbolt, and if the target is frozen, immediately cast the ice lance. With the shatter talent our crit chance increases with 50% on frozen targets, meaning unless you're unlucky, both the frostbolt and the ice lance will crit.
The frostbolt should crit for about 2500-3000, and the icelance crits for about 1800. So basicly, since the ice lance travels much faster then the frostbolt, they will both hit at the same time, and do about a 4.5k damage in one boom... and if those two spells dont break the freeze.. well.. another 4.5k boom.. another way is to use frostnova, then run abit away and cast frostbolt then ice lance. damn it became fun playing frostmage after this.
It seems that when and if the frostbolt breaks a frozen target, it doesnt break until about 0.5-1 sec after the bolt hits, so its a good idea to make sure that the frostbolt and the ice lance lands at the same time, so max range is adviced, since the ice lance wont catch up with the frostbolt if we stand too close. At about 25 yards range or more, the frostbolt and the icelance should hit at about the same time.
Also, there are some nice builds that will boost your shatter crit damage to the sky - try to combine it with Spell Power...
Whats the range on ice lance and mana cost at level 70? This really seems a viable pvp skill for frost mages with shatter.
Enimusha wrote:
Whats the range on ice lance and mana cost at level 70? This really seems a viable pvp skill for frost mages with shatter.
Range: 30 yards
Cost (without frost talents): 150 mana
I use it as a primary pulling spell in crowded areas It's also a good finisher and will substitute the wack wand shots.
J/k ofc. I've got up to 1200 crits and 800 hits so I often cast it right after the fireball when the mob is frozen. Ignite bug FTL, so no fireblasts after fireball
Enimusha wrote:
Whats the range on ice lance and mana cost at level 70? This really seems a viable pvp skill for frost mages with shatter.
it's imba even for fire mages. I don't have a single point in the frost tree and my crits are in the 1200 - 1350 area. Would imagine that it could easily go 2k - 3k dmg with AP and some points in frost. And my experience with it tell me that u can get in ~3 hits during a FN so thats like 6k - 9k with AP and prolly 10k with trinkets, all for 3 x 150 mana x 1,30 = 585 mana.. add an instant PoM frostbolt to that and nothing will be standing after that
Last edited by Kelthalas (2007-02-08 18:16:50)
sweter wrote:
Enimusha wrote:
Whats the range on ice lance and mana cost at level 70? This really seems a viable pvp skill for frost mages with shatter.
Range: 30 yards
Cost (without frost talents): 150 mana
I use it as a primary pulling spell in crowded areasIt's also a good finisher and will substitute the wack wand shots.
J/k ofc. I've got up to 1200 crits and 800 hits so I often cast it right after the fireball when the mob is frozen. Ignite bug FTL, so no fireblasts after fireball
Thats pretty nice, frostbolt range and instant spell without cd... sweet.