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1: You
My name is Jesper Aberg.
18 years old.
I go to school, second year in the gymnasium.
Activitylevel - How many do you play, and for how long?:
I can play almost every day until 24:00 (longer on weekends ofcourse).
2: Your character
Name, class, race, gender:
Ninexia, druid, nightelf, female.
HP, mana, manaregen, AP, all resists (unbuffed)
Damage gear: 7104hp, 4490mana, 0 mana reg, 1600 ap.
Healing gear: 5434hp, 8390mana, 232 mana reg, approx 800+ healing.
Talent (link)
Iam currently Feral specced due to grinding and making quests. But i'll respecc if the guild wants me to. … 0000000000
Trying to skill up some Skinning and leatherworking, around 320 on both atm.
Reputation with the most relevant factions and highest pvp rank
Don't really have any relative high reputations, got like friendly-revered in most of them. Knight is my highest PVP rank.
Notable alts on this and other servers, with the expected activity on these characters
I don't have any alts.
3: Gear
Your current gear in a profile (allakhazam/ctprofile). <- Some of my healing gear items didn't work/excist on the ctprofile database. But my healing stats are named earlier in this application.
Describe your gear. Reason for choosing this gear.
My gear is like the old fashion "TBC gear". Got most of it from quests and 5-man instances. Got very few items I have had since lvl 60.
Describe your "desert island" gear. Items you desperately want. This can be imaginary items as well.
My dream equipment would be the best druid healing gear ingame. I'd love to be an superior healer.
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them
I was an member of Icefall, worked fine for a while until the whole guild froze. Nothing was done.
Reason for leaving them
Reason are stated above.
Ambitions within a guild
I've got experience trough all the lvl 60 endgame instances. MC,BWL,AQ,NAXX etc. Not on this char tho, i played a paladin before on another server.
Reason for your TEO application
You seem like an fun and active guild, got a friend in the guild who have spoken very good words about you.
Do you know anyone in TEO?
Yes, i know Balabushka.
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?
Iam a very skillfull and experienced endgame instance healer, and iam very active. I've aswell been officer in my paladins guild so i got some leading experience aswell.
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"?
52 days 23 hours. Tho i had 165 days 10 hours something on my paladin.
What is your raiding experience?
As i stated above i've been playing an healing class trough all the lvl 60 endgame instances.
What is your ambition with playing this game?
My ambitions is to get as far in the endgame instances as possible, and be the best. There's nothing i love more than a new encounter. Dosn't matter how many whipes it takes. It's worth it.
Do you have any other significant gaming experience?
As i aswell stated above i've been officer for some guilds and got leading experience.
Tell us about your computer
My computer works fine, can get some FPS drops when out in big fiery areas. But none in instances.
Other information you may be instressed in.
Like i said I didn't play here from the first time, i played my paladin. As i played paladin for an endless amount of hours i always got more and more anxious about how it was to play a druid. So I lvled one to lvl 60. When TBC came and we all reached lvl 70 my whole guild just was shattered in to pieces, like an broken mirror. And i was left alone. All my friends transfered.
Then I realized this was a great time to start playing my druid and get it up to 70 aswell. But it was easier said than done. Got really tired of doing the same quests again. I got in contact with Balabushka. He said i might had a shot in his guild, if i was dedicated enough. And that his mate who had a druid had quitted playing. So i acted fast and traded my paladin against his druid. So here iam.
Last edited by Ninexiaa (2007-02-22 02:38:57)
Nice to see you app nine, all i can say is that i know this guy is a hardcore raider.. he have always been a well experienced and fast learned from what i've seen..
we should really consider him if we get a slot open or something, mature active guy.. cant be much better
anyway, gl nine
What is your ambition with playing this game?
My ambitions is to get as far in the endgame instances as possible, and be the best. There's nothing i love more than a new encounter. Dosn't matter how many whipes it takes. It's worth it.
u forgot "and to make friends and have a lot of fun" otherwise its a nice app
Ninexiaa wrote:
I got in contact with Balabushka. He said i might had a shot in his guild, if i was dedicated enough. And that his mate who had a druid had quitted playing. So i acted fast and traded my paladin against his druid. So here iam.
Next time you should let Bala check how the situation in the guild is before doing something like this.
Im very sorry that you traded your pala away with the hopes of getting into this guild, but as the situation is now, we are abit crowded when it comes to druid players.
Mojorising - Druid Class leader