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to keep up with the rest ( yeah i know it's pointless but i'm bored and don't want to do the dishes yet) i would like to know why you became a warrior and not something else
i became a warrior because i don't like mana and i don't like to play a rogue and i felt the need to bash people with big twohanders
because i liked the way a dwarf looked, and the only cool class i could think of with dwarfs was a warrior.
i tried a paladin because my "supa lvl 32 highlvl" paladin friend suggested it. i was dead bored at lvl 4 or something, they did less damage!
I was bored with my hunter getting refused to join instances, so I started a warrior...didn't level it right away, not until, in a state of rage and anger, deleted my hunter. Then I began to powerlevel.
But now I found that I will always be a hunter in heart . . . so now I'm leveling my "deleted" hunter again.
once a warrior, always a warrior