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Name: Leif
Age: 24
Country: Norway
Occupation/work: Student
Im usually on at least a little every day. I can be on for how long im needed most days, but my best raiding days are Tuesdays, Thursdays, sundays, and some fridays. During the summer I'll prob be a little less active due to work, but I'll be on when I can, and play for full after the summer.
2: Your character
Name, class, race, gender:
Lorus, Warlock, human, male
HP, mana, manaregen, AP, all resists (unbuffed):
9140 hp, 8365 mana, 128, 41, 0
Talent (link) … mp;n=Lorus
alchemy: 375
Herbalism: 375
All heroic keys exept the lower city one ( hate that place)
Exalted with sha'tar and CE
3: Gear … mp;n=Lorus
Most of it is directed against my affliction build, have crit gear in my bank in case I get the chance to go destro sometime. Also have some pvp gear, but nothing interesting for a raiding guild.
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them
Norse Elites: norwegian raiding guild pre tbc. Cleared zg, aq20, mc and bwl. I used to raid there with a gnome warrior, but fell in love with my lock.
Evolution: tbc raiding guild, cleared most of kara, and did well untill we had some problems and stopped raiding.
Divine Knights: Wanted to try my luck in a raiding guild again, but wasn't really as mature guild as I was looking for.
Reason for leaving them
Norse Elites for kinda disbanding, Evolution stopped being raiding guild and most people left ( or was kicked ), DK for not really being what I was looking for.
Ambitions within a guild:
Progress and have fun
Reason for your TEO application:
Was very warmly reccomended by licka, and TEO seems to be the mature guild im looking for.
Do you know anyone in TEO?
I know licka, and have raided with a lot of players in TEO which I know are very nice guys.
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?
I like to show up prepared, and be focused when I raid. I'll usually be there if help is needed, and I don't care if I have to do some wiping.
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"? 55 days
What is your raiding experience?
Everything up to clearing bwl before tbc on my warrior, downed up to prince pre tbc with the lock, and maulgar.
Tell us about your computer: Seems to be working
Last edited by Lorus (2007-05-28 09:44:01)
Nice application
Lorus is one of our core gang from old Evolution.
Always helpful, fun to do instances with, and so on. And he was the lock we could trust being on raid list in Evolution. (Triviality had to play tank mostly)
He`s good geared, skilled in raiding and is a mature player in all aspects.
As he is one of the ppl I spend a lot of time with ingame, I`ll gladly sell my soul to see him with the right guildtabard on.
Looks good!
nice app mate, we'll give you a reply soon
Edit: accepted, you'll get a whisper in game
Last edited by Solok (2007-05-29 19:39:48)
Welcome to The Enigma Order
helloes mister