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1: You
Name Jyrki
Age 18
Country Finland
Occupation/work student
e-mail (optional)
Activitylevel - How many do you play, and for how long? What days can you raid, and for how long.
all days from 14:00 to 1:00
2: Your character
Name, class, race, gender.
winchesterr hunter night-elf female
HP, mana, manaregen, AP, all resists (unbuffed) … inchesterr
Talent (link) … inchesterr
alchemy/herbalism at max elixir mastery
Reputation with the most relevant factions and highest pvp rank … inchesterr
Notable alts on this and other servers, with the expected activity on these characters
danica lvl 50 rogue play sometime
3: Gear
Your current gear in a profile (allakhazam/ctprofile).
We want to see all apsects of your gear, so more than one profile is always helpful. Your resist profiles, tanking profiles, etc.
Describe your gear. Reason for choosing this gear.
Describe your "desert island" gear. Items you desperately want. This can be imaginary items as well. … inchesterr
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them winterhearth finnish guild
Reason for leaving them people slacked
Ambitions within a guild no idea
Reason for your TEO application need guild what is going to raid end game instance's
Do you know anyone in TEO? nope
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?
i can kite and cc best skills i got with hunter
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"? 35 days
What is your raiding experience? mc,kara,onyx
What is your ambition with playing this game? get the best gear
Do you have any other significant gaming experience? fps games
Tell us about your computer
fujitsu siemens amilo m3438
hmmm you ambition with this game is get the best gear?
bad ansver imo.
becous if i heav understand right about this guild it is about comunite and heav funn, and ofc it is a bonus when we get new epick
we head enought people joing us for get easy epick and leaved us.
So you dont get my wot
I agree with Eirill.
You don't get my vote either.
yes, like eirill says, its not a very good application. you have no ambitions within a guild? thats not optimal.
Sry not accepted, reasons stated above aswell as the hunter camp is filled with whats needed