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so the blind ain't getting buffed after all..
to quote one of the rogue:
" OH hey guess what guys you get this cool ability" and then the next day " oh, you know what maybe that wasnt a good idea."
QQ and GG blizz
You have to admit a 8 second break on dmg stun with 45sec talented cooldown is a bit much for a class that has the most amount of CC and escape abilities of any class in the game.
I agree with the reagent being removed though.
I don't like blizzards approach though. "Megabuff first, and then nerf back"... Why not gradually buff it, so it never becomes overpowered?
That way they wouldn't take away something they have already told you you're getting.
this is a "casual player" request, so pls do this blizzard....nerf warriors, nerf palas and their dumb bubles, nerf frost mage and his pets, you could also nerf hunter in bm a bit, pls nerf arena weapons and buff pve weapons and last but not least, pls don't let belgathor to respond to this post
The change in cooldown really wasn't that big of a deal, certianly it would have been nice. but there are other skills such as sprint i would like to have seen been reduced in cd a bit. its the only way in pvp i can actually catch someone. but the reagent thing has really pissed me off, and why on earth is fadeleaf of all things needed :S
I dont get it.. havnt been so active in the rogue updates lately, what's gonna happen? no reagent needed for blind? :$