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Name : dave
Age : 17
Country : netherlands
Work/school : work
Available : 18.00-22.00
Character Info
Name : nextdestiny
Race : dwarf
Class : pala
Talents : 50/11/0
Gear : i have 4/5 t4 onley head missing and 1/5 t5 full epix onley waist and wapeon not … extdestiny
- jewelcrafting (375)
- enchanting/disenchanting (350)
Done prequest and have experience with the following instances :
Pre-Burning Crusade
- Molten Core (fully cleared)
- Onyxia (Cleared)
- Blackwing Lair (done)
- karazhan (done)
- maghteridon (done)
- SCC (done)
- TK (done)
Guild history :
70 First Blood Mar 12, 07
65 First Blood Feb 02, 07
63 D
An issue is that "funny letters", the exclusive nordic letters and strange symbols dont work on our forums. So letters like, and similar letters will not work. Use something else
Cleaned up a bit.
You have a button called "Edit".
I Suggest you use it
Atm we are not recruiting new paladins. However, if situation changes i'll contanct you in game.
Vonhankkija - Paladin CL