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When I look at the calendar, I see summer's almost over!
What does it mean to us? Raiding, more raiding, and even more raiding? And what does it mean to the guild? That we need dee-pee-ess!
That's why I'd like to check the mage activity - we're considering recruiting 1 mage and I'd like to know if there's need him. Please, update your status, it's kinda important We dont want to lack magepower, but I dont want to extend our caster ranks if all of You are going to be extremally active. So do it like I did:
Name: sweter
Activity: 2-3 raids per week, tuesday and thursday pref
Build: 33/28 PoM Pyro, no improved scorch
Do you plan to stay that active to the end of the year: yes, i'm not bored with the game
HP unbuffed in Max HP gear for Krosh tanking: around 10,6k
Name: Apx
Activity: 1-2 Raids a month
Build: Very deep arcane
Do you plan to stay that active to the end of the year: Hmm, I'll be online pretty much, leveling alts and chatting, but I won't be that active raiding. I'm not bored of the game, far from it, I just don't feel like raiding atm.
HP: don't have any Krosh tanking gear yet, so there's that.
Name: kmet
Activity: 2-4 raids per week. Just started a new school etc. So need to pass some raids but I'll sign for everything I can . Priority to 25man.
Build: 10/48/3 Imp. scorch
Do you plan to stay that active to the end of the year: Yes,
HP unbuffed in Max HP gear for Krosh tanking: Something around 10-11k.
Name: Supermage
Activity: 2-3 raids per week, searching for a job atm. so not 100% sure how much I will be raiding yet.
Build: 41/20/0 have imp. scorch
Do you plan to stay that active to the end of the year: yes
HP unbuffed in Max HP gear for Krosh tanking: 11263hp with PvP gear
Name: Denatuz
Activity: Not raiding atm.
Build: PvE fire spec(with DB).
Do you plan to stay that active to the end of the year: yes, this year at school will be hardcore.
HP unbuffed in Max HP gear for Krosh tanking: Max hp is around 9k. I'm one hell of a glasscanon!
Name: Kelthalas
Activity: I probably won't be able to join more than 2 raids per week. Summer's over and I don't know how much homework there'll be this semester but have to pass on some raids but I'll sign for everything I can . Priority to 25man (and a bit of prince farming for that damn token ^^). regarding raiddays, I know i won't be able to raid mondays and tuesdays because of practice.
Build: 10/48/3 Imp. scorch
Do you plan to stay that active to the end of the year: Yes,
HP unbuffed in Max HP gear for Krosh tanking: Something around 10k with a few switches but still mostly in my dmg gear (havent got that much hp gear)
Last edited by Kelthalas (2007-09-02 22:19:29)
Name: Frostspell
Activity: Uncertain, but probably a around 2-3 raids per week. As this is my first year at univ i have no idea how much time i'll spend on schoolwork.
Build: currently 10/0/51, but ill probably respecc to a pve firendly fire build when we start raiding again
Do you plan to stay that active to the end of the year: Yes
Hp unbuffed in Max Hp gear for Krosh tanking: 10,2k with lots of green of stamina gear