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1: You
Name: Trond
Age: 30
Country: Norway
Occupation/work: Goverment employee ftw
e-mail: hishadow (at) gmail (dot) com
Activitylevel: 2 to 4 raids each week
2: Your character
Human Female Priest (39 days played)
7.2k hp, 8.3k mana, +45mp5, +963 shadowdamage
6.2k hp, 9.2k mana, +104mp5, +1495 healing (in shadowspec)
Tailoring (shadowweave specialication)
Reputation with the most relevant factions and highest pvp rank:
Exalted with all heroic factions except Honor Hold and 1k left with The Violet Eye.
Other characters:
Hishadow (armory)
Level 60 Dwarf Hunter (120 days played)
Activity 0.1%. Retired after release of TBC. Potionmaker.
3: Gear
Shadowgear (armory)
Consist mainly of tailoring parts and heroic/reputation rewards.
Healing gear
Mix of heroic/reputation rewards and Karazhan gear.
4: Guild
As Hishadow (history)
Nov, 2005 (2 months) - WeDieAlot - First guild where I played with friends. Guild joined Norse Elites.
Jan, 2006 (1 year) - Norse Elites - A newly started norwegian raiding guild. Was a hunter officer including medling in statly affairs. Spent ALOT of time in Molten Core before we finally proceeded to BWL with a quick clear. Finished with some bosses in AQ40. Left guild to after a lot of active members/friends left to form a smaller guild after some disputes.
As Zevena (history)
Feb, 2007 (2.5 month break after leveling my priest in TBC.)
May, 2007 (current guild) - Social guild where I play with some friends. Some weekly Karazhan raids including some instancing.
Ambitions within a guild:
Be able to progress with the guild in new instances. Greatest joys come from downing new bosses after some challenging teamwork.
Reason for your TEO application:
Recommended by a friend who mentioned that your guild may be requireing some new players due to summer. Have been playing with some of your members alts in Original WDA.
Do you know anyone in TEO?
Thorak, Triviality, Tanis, Xelar, Sokken (and maybe Eirill )
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?
PUG recommendations. My first time as a healer in an undisclosed Hellfire instance. I didn't participate in this chat since I was healing Also, I was last "man" standing after boss died.
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"?
159 days
What is your raiding experience?
Pre-TBC as hunter - Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, AQ40 (up to third boss).
Post-TBC as priest - Karazhan (mostly as shadowpriest, but a few raids as healer.)
What is your ambition with playing this game?
Raiding with friends and mature players and making steady progress in instances (without having to play 24/7).
Do you have any other significant gaming experience?
Not since I started playing WoW. Before that I played a lot of RPG and adventure games. Oh, I recently completed Ninja Gaiden on easiest level (does that count for something?)
Tell us about your computer.
AMD Athlon X2 4200+, 2GB memory and a Radeon X1950 Pro graphics card. Got a reliable ADSL connection.
Nice, appl. Goodluck
CL will give you an answer in next few days.
Nice app, we could use someone on the "inside" of the Goverment, hehe
As Warsaw said, expect an answer within a few days.
This is a mature, helpful and skilled player. I have played a lot with this guy so I strongly recomend him.
Nice application. Good luck!
Hi Trond. As I told you the other day our current priest situation is very unclear, as to who will play in the future and how often. We are however trying to get started with raiding again, and "mana-battery" is also one of those classes you can never have too many of You also have many friends already in the guild we feel you deserve a chance to play with. Judging by the PuG recommendation you're not a too bad player either No really, we need some people with a bit of self-irony, not to mention more norwegian priests
So, try to catch either me or another classleader/officer in-game and we'll invite you as a testplayer to The Enigma Order
Thanks for the invite. I will try my best to honor the pug recommendations.