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Name: Haavard
Age: 26
Occupation: Student - Master in Musicology
Mail: halovik at broadpark dot no
Activitylevel: Can raid 3-4 days a week. Meaning the whole evening ofc.
Name/calss...: Smekk; Male Dranei Shaman.
Some stats: HP: 8468, Mana: 8603, Regen: 144, AP: N/A, Resists: 0/0/0/0/10 in main gear.
Talents: … mp;n=Smekk
Tradeskills: LW: 375, ENG: 358.
Reputation: … mp;n=Smekk
Alts: Snabeltante - 70 Warrior (low activity lvl these days), Prestival - 56 Priest (active only for tradeskills) and 3x lvl 29 twinks - all on Stormreaver.
Current gear: … mp;n=Smekk
Further describtion: Gear/spellstats is not ideal atm due to lack of some key pieces like a decent dagger, shoulders and leggings, but it still does a good job i'd say. Decent crit chance combined with ok bonus damage gives a good overall damage.
Previos guilds: Tabula Rasa, Orginal WDA, THD.
Reasons for leaving: Slow progress/none at all, and too much variety regarding the players skill level. ;P
Ambitions within a guild: Teamwork with skilled/patient and mature ppl, wich will result in raiding progress.
Reason for your TEO application: Because of it's good reputation on the server, because of me wanting to take part in progressing in end-game instances. And for it's members who I have played with from time to time. Either on this character or Snabeltante. And cause u need another insane norwegian gamer ;P
Do you know anyone in TEO: Hmm. Not personally but played or raided with ppl like Tanduli, Jayb, Eirill, Licka/abbie, Mox, Thorak, Tanis, Zevena.
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you: Totems and reinc. ...patience and humor!
Time played in game: 24 days on Smekk, 64 days on Snabeltante (previous main character), and several hours on lower lvl characters.
Raiding experience: ZG, MC, AQ20, BWL, Karazhan and Gruul's Lair.
Ambitions: Raid end-game instances with mature, patient and skilled players.
Computer and IC: Inter Core 2 Quad Q6600, 4GB RAM, 1TB HD++, XFX 8800 GTX on a 20mbit Internet Connection.
Well, thanks for the attention, much appreciated.
Hope to see u all in-game.
nice app imo
I'm wondering though, what's your amount of +healing in your healing gear? nice spell crit btw
Last edited by Baloth (2007-09-10 19:25:43)
Smekk is a nice lad.
In the raids we did together he acted mostly as a ranged dps shammy. That can maybe explain the amount of +heal?
Gl on your apply.
As Abbie said, I've mostly been playing elemental dps in raids, so I've mainly been focusing on that kinda gear. When it comes to healing gear I have picked up whatever I could come across. Meaning 3-4 kara epics, chain healing totem, and the rest blue stuff. No enchants spent on those. Think the +healing is about 1k when I put on what I have.
Hope this does answer u're question.
If not, feel free to ask for details, or anything else for that matter!
wow ! enigneering AND leatherworking ehh? ^^ AH must really love you
Snabeltante wrote:
Do you know anyone in TEO: Hmm. Not personally but played or raided with ppl like Tanduli, Jayb, Eirill, Licka/abbie, Mox, Thorak, Tanis, Zevena.
And from that list Tanis is the only one not healing (im not sure but wasnt tanis a hunter?) so it does seem you remember the good healers while you yourself played dps. And elemental dps nonetheless. Nice going
I agree that shaman dps is powerful. I myself am going to spec enhancement pretty soon to try a raid dps spot with that. But at the moment we are sorely in need of healers (and lacking shamans too) and I think you should consider are you ready to help the raid by spending a bit of time and effort for your healing gear also to be able to benefit the guild as a healer too sometimes? Of course everyone can spec and play how they will! We have never forced people spec something for progress or anything like that so you would get in time as dps too You'd just have to compete with the other dps classes for those spots then.
All that said, I'll have a chat about this with the officers and be sure to give you an answer ASAP. ^^
- Boltan
Hehe! Well Joly, luckily for me I did my own grinding for those tradeskills, otherwise my wallet would be looking quite differently! ;P
Boltan! Ofc I remember/make shure to credit the great healers I know of, as there are too many "not quite that good" out there, hehe!
And to comment the part about dps/healing; I will ofc consider speccing restoration in desperate times, hehe! But this will be a matter of consideration concerning what healing power I have at that specific time. But as I mentioned earlier, I constantly pick up on whatever healing gear I can, so hopefully lack of healing power wont be an issue in the future.
i know snabel. he is nice person and you can trust him. inv imo. hi get my wote ( btw he is not bad tanker on his war).
hey snabel, so you have rerolled ?
this is a nice fella and a skilled player, played with him in tabula rasa when his warrior was his main.
he got my vote!
Last edited by Tanduli (2007-09-18 01:29:53)
and dude!
Computer and IC: Inter Core 2 Quad Q6600, 4GB RAM, 1TB HD++, XFX 8800 GTX on a 20mbit Internet Connection.
thats one insane computer
gets my vote thats about it
As the situation is as it is, I will have to decline your application mate. Sorry but at the moment we have more than enough dpsers. What we need are pure resto shamans who love healing and intend to stay that way. I think you would be better off trying for a place in Keelhaul etc Gl with whatever you do!