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So good tanking has few aspects, like positioning, reducing dmg taken and maximize threat we generate to let dps go max, without pulling aggro.
Lets talk a bit about threat on bosses.
Easy way how to generate a lot of it (they may be better way but this is working good enough):
After a pull we can start with thunder clap, to get initial aggro,
shield bash,
next step is to put 5 sunders,
shield bash,
from now on we starting to spam heroic strike + devastate together (macro may be usefull),
shield bash is used always when not on cd,
from time to time we use thunder clap + demo shout (if not curse of weakness).
+ ofc all the time shield block.
Wolfman, iv noticed you got a bit problem with generating aggro. Do not take it personally im just trying to fix the situation when drood is used as MT (LOL wtf?). Try to use my method, without thunder clap (TF), it will help im shure.
About thunderfury. Wasn't that weapon nerfed like hell a few patches back? I mean you could probably generate more threat with a higher dps weapon as the proc won't help you much anymore.
Thats true - but still it should be simmilar aggro generator like king's defender imo.
First of all i would put moongose on it no 15 agil.
But yes Qtip, times when auto attack was enough to generate tons of aggro using TF, are over and will never come back