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1: You
Name - Francisco
Age - 17
Country - Portuga
1: You
Name Francisco
Age 17
Country Portugal
Occupation/work Student
Activitylevel - I can raid all days 19h - 23h exept wendsday
2: Your character
Name, class, race, gender. NE Hunter
Hp: 9942 ; Mana: 7378 ; AP: 1787 ; Crit chace: 23%
Talent 0/47/18
Tradeskills LW/SK
Reputation Got all keys expet Shatt one, 2k rep missing
3: Gear
Your current gear in a profile (allakhazam/ctprofile). … mp;n=Comic
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them: Genesis,Defiance,DoR,Next Chapter
Reason for leaving them: Disbanned
Reason for your TEO application: Nice guild with a great pve progress.
Do you know anyone in TEO?Nop but i am a friendly guy
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?Imba dps
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"?92 days
What is your raiding experience?Karazhan, gruul cleared, got some tries in Void reaver and Lurker
What is your ambition with playing this game?Have fun
Tell us about your computer: It is enough to raid
Doesn't get much shorter than that
we're currently full on hunters atm. Should this change in the near future we will browse through the applications
gl on finding a guild