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Hey all! I just thought I should let you guys know that I
Whoops, sry about that:o I just kept getting this message that the site were unable to find the search index words. Any1 I could email the app to or something? Was it too long?
I can tell I'm off for a great start here
Okey now it should work mate. Also, remember not to use any "fun" leters or scandinavic ones because our forums can't understand em.
An issue is that "funny letters", the exclusive nordic letters and strange symbols dont work on our forums. So letters like , and similar letters will not work. Use something else smile
Your first post reveals that the error is located after the I, my guess is that its some weird kind of ', probably from a text editor. Remove it, and your application should work.
Yeah, cause some use Shift + the button left of backspace to make their "reversed ' ", which is wrong, as it's an accent meant to indicate a letter is pronounced different than another, it's not meant to be used to an apostrophe. (which is the ' sign, used to indicate that some letters are missing from a sentence. Like cannot = can't, and will not = won't)
Anyway, why use Shift + the key left of backspace, when you can just press the key left of enter to get a ' ?
/grammar police mode off
Ah, thanks a bunch! Re-edited application coming up
Hey all(once again)! I just thought I should let you guys know that I have been offline a lot during summertime, so that would be the main reason for why my gear and rep is a bit rusty. I am fully active now. I do hope that I am good enough for TED, as this is mainly a application for TED. If you guys need me in TEO I would be mostly apprieciated. I have read and heard that you guys need some healers, so here it goes
1: You
Name: Alf Johan
Age: 18
Country: Norway
Occupation/work: Music student
e-mail :
Activitylevel: Online everyday! Usually after 17:00 at kvardaga with a few exceptions, and whenever in the weekends.
2: Your character
Justinia, Healadin, Human, female.
7200, 8800, 167/56mp5 unbuffed
Talents: … n=Justinia - Tried to make a decent arena build. Worked out ok.
Tradeskills: Engineering & Mining
Cenarion Expidition: 6127/21000 - Revered
Honor Hold: 6157/12000 - Honored
The Consortium: 1099/12000 - Honored
Lower City: 5527/12000 - Honored
- Short said, I have only got the CFR Heroic ready atm.. I need to put some work in on gaining rep with the others
Alts: I have dedicated all my spare time on this char, so no alts at all.
3: Gear … n=Justinia
Hence to my just-started-back-on-whining, I havent got the most ideal gear for endgame raiding. Ive just taken what I have come across frankly
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them: I just transferred here so Vanguard of the Alliance
Reason for leaving them: No PvE progress. It was more of a social and local kinda guild.
Ambitions within a guild: To explore some of the endgame material, get to know some nice ppl.
Reason for your TEO application: This guild is exactly what I am looking for, hence to above --^ Not all guilds prioritizes like TEO does; Personality > Gear
Do you know anyone in TEO? Littleking, Azerothas, Ping, Noobimiir
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you? I hope that I will be able to throw in a couple of heals or more where it is needed
5: Game
What is you characters /played? 43 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes.. WoW overall: 76+ days (Xfire<3)
What is your raiding experience? Pre-BC: MC(full), BWL(full), some ZG, some AQ20, Onyxia | BC: Karazhan (up till Nightbane), not much rly
What is your ambition with playing this game? Experiencing something a bit more progressive than gazing at TV all day.. Oh, and plus this is a good game with a lot to offer
Do you have any other significant gaming experience? With WoW being my first MMORPG, I have played CS:S, MGS-series(huge fan), HalfLife-series, Halo-series, Warcraft-series, and the list goes on and on..
Tell us about your computer: Well, it is brand new. Had some problems with my previous computer, so about 2 months ago, or less, I put this comp together at
3giga RAM, 2x AMD Athlon 62 Dual Core Processor 6000+, Nvidia GeForce 8500+ GT
Sry about the trouble earlier, and thanks once again!
Last edited by Justinia (2007-10-07 12:22:11)
Hey mate. Thanks about your aplication. I'm discussion with other officers about inviting you to our alt guild. I will inform you as soon as i have done that.
Great! Thanks once more Waiting for the final decision from you lot!
Update: New head slot item - Mask of Penance
Also significant 2v2 and 3v3 rating changes - … n=Justinia
I recomend him...great healer:)...keeps me alive in Arena
I have decided to accept you as testplayer on our main guild TEO. At first you are mainly backup for 25men until you got sufficient gear for SSC raiding, but join a lot for karazhan and start gearing up. Whisp me in game to get invited.