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1: You
Name: Constantine
Age: 10
Country: Cyprus (Greek side)
Occupation/work: (Military atm)
e-mail (optional):
Activitylevel - How many do you play, and for how long? What days can you raid, and for how long. : Atm i can play 3-4 days per week(1 day in the weekend is guaranteed) due to military but this wont take for long plus i might play more sometimes. As for the time well i can play from 1500GT antil 0200-0300 in the morning (if its something important then its no sleep for me: ) ).
2: Your character
Name, class, race, gender. : Shado, rogue, Nelf, Male.
HP, mana, manaregen, AP, all resists (unbuffed): … mp;n=Shado
Talent (link) : … mp;n=Shado
Trade skills 375 mining/BS
Reputation with the most relevant factions and highest pvp rank: mostly revered(can enter all heroics), knight-leutenant, rival. (PVE ftw > < )
Notable alts on this and other servers, with the expected activity on these characters: well i got a 70 balance druid which i only do instances with until i get good gear for boomkin and a 64 hunter which i lvlup. Got some more but they are low. I also got a 49 UBER twink holy pala with 380 healing, 130spldmg and 3.4hp/3.8mana if ur interested
3: Gear
Your current gear in a profile (allakhazam/ctprofile).: … mp;n=Shado (it shows my combat dagger build/gear atm but now im mace specc with Dragonmaw in MH but melchazeen in OH cause i got no good mace to place there..
We want to see all aspects of your gear, so more than one profile is always helpful. Your resist profiles, tanking profiles, etc.
Describe your gear. Reason for choosing this gear : Wll my aim with combat mace (weilding Dragonmaw) is to have lots of ap/hit. That is due of the sweet procc rate of dragonmaw where with the dual mongoose enchants and the soon-to-get-and-never-drops-4-me Mechanar haste trinket, i can get some fast and powerful white hits and sweet SSs. That is why i need mostly
hit. More+hitraitng plus haste = faster AND successful attacks=> more crits + more chances of proccs + big white/yellow hits = devastation. Simple as that.This ofcourse is only one of my many pve tactics and its still on a testing period but antil now it brings me some major dps in raids. Believe me.
Describe your "desert island" gear. Items you desperately want. This can be imaginary items as well.: I need grull's trinket and Tsunami trinket plus all items that give + haste cause im aiming on haste boost and ap.
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them: From the time i started raiding with my rogue i was part of the great guild called Divine Knights. I started with them from MC antil Grull's. DK had a quite good raiding history wich includes AQ40-NAXX (5bosses though due to BC), and kara-Grull cleared. We where about to start mag but it disbanded( that was some months ago and while we downed Grull only 1-2 guilds downed lady Vasjh back then) I would also like to mension that i was the guild's CM post-BC leading my class to all instances and raid bosses antil Grull. Currently im in Band of Brothers cause i was inactive after my guild disbanded(that's why im kinda undergeared) and BoB is a social guild not giving priority in raids and stuff.
Reason for leaving them: DK collapsed.... :'(
Ambitions within a guild: I need a highly friendly guild full of social and understanding peeps. Also i prefer a mostly pve-oriented one.
Reason for your TEO application: From ur posts u guys seem realy fun and open and thats what im looking for. Also i would really love to contribute to ur raiding progress and ambitions.
Do you know anyone in TEO?: No, i dont really know anybody from what i saw cause i was in a single guild for soo long, but as i said, im a social person and making new friends was never a hard thing to do.
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you? I can bring an expirienced rogue, an open minded, social and funny(as some said >< ) dude and and a shitload of greek kebab from my country.
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"? 84days, 16hours with my rogue only.
What is your raiding experience? from MC to Mag(didnt down him though)
What is your ambition with playing this game? Progressing and having shitloads of fun with shitloads of friends from all over the world ( /golfclap )
Do you have any other significant gaming experience? Well i played hardcore Age of Empires on the net back then and after that i got WC3 TFT where i did quite a good progress in Bnet as an UD player: P. Then Wow came...
Tell us about your computer : Pentium D, dual core, 1024 ram, GeForce 6600 GT
Shado wrote:
Age: 10
Ups, missclick. It should be 19 ^^
Shado wrote:
Age: 10
Ups, missclick. It should be 19 ^^
Too late!
But anyways, I see you have put alot of effort to this application and I honor it. Although I'm sorry to inform you that we have enough rogues at the moment. If the situation changes I will ofcourse browse through the applications, but I can safely say that its not happening in the close future.
Good Luck with the search of a new guild
Shado!!!! how nice to see you, how are things?
anyways, a great person and a great player too, as you all know, I use to be in DK, I only have nice memories from it (besides the end), and Shado was a good rogue, prob. still is, also prob. a better rogue than I would ever be (yes shado, I play rogue now:) )
Shado... hmmm isn't that a BE paladin on horde side? just curious, that an alt?
His applycation is actually to good to be true,he is using good vocabulary and grammatic which is strange for his age,for those reasons i am pretty sure that he didnt write this apply,propably he used a friend.
Some way to judge someone.
Don't think the use of words in this text surpasses the ability of an 19 year old