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1: You
Name: Magnus Wessel
Age: 19
Occupation/work: Not any job atm
e-mail (optional):
Activitylevel - How many do you play, and for how long? What days can you raid, and for how long. : I can raid as long as possible, maybe go out in the weekends
2: Your character
Name: Balthas
class: Shaman
race: Dranei
gender: Boy^^
HP: 6k
mana: 10193
manaregen: 231
Healing: about 1400
AP: 1050 with ech gear
all resists (unbuffed): 10 shadow -.-
Talent (link):
Tradeskills: non atm
Reputation with the most relevant factions and highest pvp rank:
Cenarion Expedition: Revered 3882/21000
Honor hold: Revered 8175/21000
Sha'tar: Revered 100/21000
Keepers Of Time: Revered 4553/21000
Notable alts on this and other servers, with the expected activity on these characters: Got my main on wildhammer ( 70 human mage )
3: Gear
Your current gear in a profile (allakhazam/ctprofile): … ;n=Balthas ( this is my ench gear, it will update soon i hope so my healig gear shows)
Describe your gear. Reason for choosing this gear: mix of max healing, high int and mp5
Describe your "desert island" gear. Items you desperately want. This can be imaginary items as well:i want to exhange my oldes gear against these
Belt of Gale Force,Gloves of Centering,Shard of the Virtuous
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them: Got raiding experiance with my main, cleard whole kara
Reason for leaving them: Lvling new class for a guild
Ambitions within a guild: No one dies at my shift;)
Reason for your TEO application: Heard about the guild from some old friends that lvled on this releam & wanted to give it a try
Do you know anyone in TEO?: not atm:)
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?: im an good listner, following direct orders and does my best
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"?: 16 days. ding lvl 70 for 2 weeks ago
What is your raiding experience?: old school bwl,aq40,nax & whole kara
What is your ambition with playing this game? Played this game sins it came out, rly good player, know what im doing
Do you have any other significant gaming experience? been to "The eye" ones and got the fel reaver to about 20% or so
Tell us about your computer: well, just got a new one this month: AMD athlon 64 x2 dual core processor 6000+. 3.00 ghz 2.00 GB ram, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT
Think that was about it, hope to hear from you soon=)
best reguards Balthas
Balthas wrote:
Notable alts on this and other servers, with the expected activity on these characters: Got my main on wildhammer ( 70 human mage )
Is this your alt character? Which one do you play most?
i have lvled this char to raid so this is my new main
thx for your help denatus=)
An interesting application. Lets have a chat ingame when we meet there. Just too bad I wont be online before thursday almost at all
seems someone already invited you to the guild before my answer to the post. Welcome to the guild mate. Your test period will be monitored. ^^