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Name: Nils
Age: 18
Country: Norway
Occupation/work: NOTHING atm:P
e-mail (optional)
Activitylevel - How many do you play, and for how long? What days can you raid, and for how long.i play so much i want i can raid too the morning if i want etc so np whit that i have np whit sitting play as much as im needed:)
AP: -
all resists (unbuffed):only 10 frost,but that i can fix but since i havent raided for over 1 month and played for over 1 month i havent fixed stuff like that
Talent (link):
Tradeskills: 375 mining 260 skinning
Reputation with the most relevant factions: mostly honored revered, only 12k too exalted violet eye
highest pvp rank sergant major
Notable alts on this and other servers, with the expected activity on these characters: Pusur(rogue)Lookatme(hunter)didikillyou(warrior)and my mage there is comming 11 january name will be Targa
Your current gear in a profile (allakhazam/ctprofile).
We want to see all apsects of your gear, so more than one profile is always helpful. Your resist profiles, tanking profiles, etc:Only healer
Describe your gear. Reason for choosing this gear: no reason just have it it aint there gear it goes on it's skills;)
Describe your "desert island" gear. Items you desperately want. This can be imaginary items as well: its nothing that is iportant for me too get aslong as i have it fun but ofc its some but i cnat wirte all i want here but mostly for fun and the raidining i wanna raid gear aint that imoportant in that way for me:)
Previous guilds, and a short description of them: Armed... reson for leaving there, was that when tbc came out it crashed. norse elites, didnt want more. Skills that kills. had some fight whit a officer and found out best too leave. Divinity, lefted casue too much irl probs.after that i had a break everything is find now:)
Ambitions within a guild: total ownage all instances and have fun and talk whit other ppls:)
Reason for your TEO application: i have talked whit some ppl from there seems too be nice and i know some few ppl there, will come back too that.... and i see it goes good and im tierd of kara:P
Do you know anyone in TEO?: Tanis,Lorus,Orfheus
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you: I see myself as a good healer have played pally for over 2 years now so i know what i do and im a kind person always helps if i can so i cnat see any problem too not inv me
What is you characters "/played"?:around 80 days whit pala
What is your raiding experience?Zg,Aq20,Mc,Onyxia,Bwl,Karazan,Gruul's
What is your ambition with playing this game?: Have Fun!
Do you have any other significant gaming experience?
Tell us about your computer...... what can i say? its my 2nd gf? na its a okei computer more than that i cant say casue too many diffrent parts in there but it works for most things
if its more questions you can always mail me or anything im rly looking forward too see what you guys will say im rdy for this . Darkblood the almighty power healer^^
I think i rember this guy, from MC, BWL. Was playing on xelar @ that time . As far as i know he was a nice player
And norwegian ppl are allways nice to have
hehe thats right if you played xelar then you know me many ppl will say im kinda sort of a lsacker etc cause i didnt show for raid and so on but when a raid go too hell and you still wanna go you cant be shitt mad on the other players if they do a thing wrong imo! haha:P
edit: read it again, I'll stick to the - 'I don't understand the whole of the above post'.
Last edited by Lamme (2007-12-03 14:34:22)
hey i did my best:( i hate write applys its acctualy the first i ever writed
1453 healing bonus is not the best kinda
that can be fast changed common:/ that minor details its unbuffed aswell and i will soon get new mace
A bit weird application yes, but I see some stuff I like here. Maybe an ingame chat with you would redeem the confusing parts
I have no idea if we need more paladins or not, but Vonhankkija will will probably respond to this after his sauna.
Paladin activity in our guild has been great lately, but we still don't have too many of us, as there's rarely anyone in backup. Your gear is not best possible, but i think you would get improvement on it if you would start joining our kara and ZA runs regularly. I will contact you in game.