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tell you the truth, I don't care for epix as long as my performance is not sucking because of lack of some.
despite that I just took a torough look at the ZA loot table. while there are some 'ok', perhpas even 'nice' items, there ain't a single one that would be really appealing to me! I mean, come on, Zul'Jin is harder than Prince enough to at least hold a better range weapon, isn't he? and while we're at it - correct me if I'm wrong (yes, irony in this case), but so is Al'ar, huh??
bit of a whine post, yeah, but goddamit, I have a blue item or two on me still, I would find it perfectly logical if there were a few upgrades laying around seeing where we are in terms of progress!
(at least I got a crafted quiver - even needed first neather ever!!one! - full of epic arrows, zomg!)
Last edited by Lamme (2007-12-03 12:17:08)
well you might get a better ranged weapon from the zul'aman timed event
that I was not aware of.
melee however, yes, very much so.
still doesn't change my pov.
from zul'jin, not a very big upgrade tho
yep thats the one lamme, the one theredon posted. pretty sweet imo