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1: You
Name: william marcopoulos
Age: 14
Country:sweden, solna
e-mail (optional):
Activitylevel - How many do you play, and for how long? What days can you raid, and for how long.
on weekends like to midnight longer if needed and on other days to like 22.00 if needed 23.00
2: Your character:
name: willewarlock
race,class: human warlock
HP:8990 unbuffed
mana: 8440
check link: … llewarlock
Reputation with the most relevant factions: got heroic keys with all of them
alt: lvl 37 hunter draenei female.
well want pve gears casue its diffrent its not that every class got same gear and stuff its kinda boring.
what i really want is new legs, gloves and wep from any raid.
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them: firemen in tights kara raiding guild
Reason for leaving them: guild leader got banned
Ambitions within a guild: have fun get gear and meet new ppls
Reason for your TEO application: think its a cool guild got asked to AP
Do you know anyone in TEO: nop not a single soul
What can you bring to TEO: think i can be a nice player and not a bloodsucking leech that only is looking for gear.
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"?: 42 days
What is your raiding experience? gruul and kara
What is your ambition with playing this game?: have fun meet friends
Do you have any other significant gaming experience: played diablo, wc3 and other shit
Tell us about your computer: avreage normal dell computer that doesent lagg or make me go dc all the time.
hope this time my AP is ok....
Which days you can raid exept the weekends?every day?
yep almost not like wedenes days and mondays depending on raid time
well he made me smile..
Denied i'm sorry
We allways raid till 23:00 and sometimes longer therefor i think you're not the player we're looking for,
I wish you luck on your further applications.