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Activitylevel:Playing every day (on week 16-22(23)) every secend week fri- and saturday cant raid.
Bluesummer, Paladin, Human, Male.
7987Hp, 9843mana, 85manaregen,
Talent … Bluesummer
70lvl horde warrior on other account in stormreaver
gear: = healing gear (1900 healing 85 manareg)
4: Guild
Rivalry leaving soon cause guild start slack on raid progres and some ones are noobs
Want join to TEO cause want raid 25 man more then kara and dont want boosting ppl kara anymore.
i am active player and know my class well. also i am not noob and dont whine on little things
5: Game
53day played in this chara
raid exp:kara za grull maggy tk ssc (on paladin) zg mc bwl naxx aq20/40(on warrior)
just play the game cause nothing else to do.
My computer is show good that its runs Stalker/rainbowsix vegas/armed assult on highest detail as possible with no problem (imba computer).
You have nice gear and i have been looking active holy paladin to fill our ranks. You seem suitable for testplayer. I will contact you ingame tomorrow, when my hangover is over.
If vonhan thinks this is good enough for testplayer, I wont disagree. But this is not a very good application. Also raidtimes are borderline...
Bluesummer:I can raid:16-22(23)
If the raid will take more than 23 even,you gonna leave it?
And i gonna aggree with obscure that applycation needs a lot more work
Neithan, as always, every opinion is appreciated.
But when previously we had lots of guildies expressing themselves loudly in the current applications with "gets my vote" -posts etc, we made a rule that people should let officers take care of the applications and only post things important enough to be put here.
So how about you discuss these matters with an officer in whispers? and this goes also for others who like to express themselves in applications with those "get my vote"s.
and to Bluesummer: dont mind this post :F
accepted as testplayer