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Name: Stian
Age: 20
Country: Norway
Occupation/work: Mester Tak
e-mail (optional)
Activitylevel: Everyday after work, about 4 gametime. Playing my mage and a alt 64 rouge when im bored on the mage :p
i can raid everyday at anytime after 4 gametime, for aslong as it takes
character: … p;n=Gaelic
got 4 vengeful parts aswell. so if someone is up for pvp, gogog
Previous guilds, and a short description of them: With this char i havent been in a pve guild just pvp guild. but i have been in 25mans with my old main 70 hunter on silvermoon.
Reason for leaving them: becouse i just changed server to stormreaver. i migrated becouse i have all my IRL friends on stormreaver.
Reason for your TEO application: Im looking for a friendly serious pve guild.
Do you know anyone in TEO?: no but i have talked to some and been in some heroics with ppl in TEO and u guys seems awsome
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?: im after a pve guild and can help out at all time. im a helpful and active player.
What is you characters "/played"?: 189 days
What is your raiding experience?: Pre TBC, MC, BWL, Naxx, AQ20/40, ZG. TBC instances almost all heroics. Kara, gruul, scc, tk and a few bosses in bt.
What is your ambition with playing this game?: To follow the game all the way up till the game ends, and ofc getting new friends. gear is just a bonus
Do you have any other significant gaming experience?: not atm
Tell us about your computer: its a gaming laptop with 4gb ram, AMD Athlon 2x 3.500+ 2,4ghz, XFX GeForce 8800GTX 575M 768MB GDDR3. it doesnt lagg to say it like that
Ill hope i see u guys
Thanks for the application Looks realy nice, and if we need a mage you have my vote. An answer will come within a few days.
Good app, I like it. And you have some damn sweet pvp gear as well as raiding experience. I'll get to you ingame.