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Players will no longer require an attunement quest to enter Hyjal.
Players will no longer require an attunement quest to enter the Black Temple.
Players who have completed the attunement quests for Black Temple and Hyjal will be granted the title of Hand of A'dal
You may now fight Prince Kael'thas and Lady Vashj without first killing all the other bosses in their respective dungeons.
when is this patch?
testrealm is up now, my guess is it will go live in 3-4 weeks from now
Removing the attunements is just stupid.
You may now fight Prince Kael'thas and Lady Vashj without first killing all the other bosses in their respective dungeons.
Would have made it easy enough for mh/bt guilds to attune new players.
Wrion wrote:
Removing the attunements is just stupid.
You may now fight Prince Kael'thas and Lady Vashj without first killing all the other bosses in their respective dungeons.
Would have made it easy enough for mh/bt guilds to attune new players.
It will mostly affect guilds like TEO - we just killed those bosses.
In other hand - there will be no need to do atunment runs thru this shit instances
And i dont think that guilds unable to kill vashj will kill Archimonde ect.
I dont mind. We knew this was coming. Last time were were behind in the attunement, and got full effect of the patch, but this time we are a month or two ahead, and have already had a raid in Hyjal. More will probably come. Keep up the pace
Wrion wrote:
Removing the attunements is just stupid.
You may now fight Prince Kael'thas and Lady Vashj without first killing all the other bosses in their respective dungeons.
Would have made it easy enough for mh/bt guilds to attune new players.
I agree too. Cant see any point of removing the attunement if they give easy access to the attunement bosses. Ah well, now we can just farm kael and vashj for easy epixx.
I'm kinda upset After strugling so long througn these instances blizz will spit our faces..
Vonhankkija wrote:
I'm kinda upset
After strugling so long througn these instances blizz will spit our faces..
Well, the struggle was with the last bosses imo, and you still got to experience the instance and the good feeling of first kills
We strugled to get the bosses down, but not only to get attuned. I'm still very happy we killed Kael and Vashj.
It's bit overkill. Removing the hyjal attunement would have been enough to smoothe the attunement process significantly.
BT-Quality badges loot will be available from vendors on Sunwell Isle.
Start saving badges (again)
Last edited by Frostspell (2008-02-09 15:36:05)
oh well, at least we'll have a laugh at noobguilds trying to clear BT trash cause they desperatly hope for some epics to drop :p
Its only testrealm patch notes though, not 100% sure it will go live (hoping so).
it might only be: You may now fight Prince Kael'thas and Lady Vashj without first killing all the other bosses in their respective dungeons. (I hope)
Q: "How far can guild that didn't killed vashj go in MH/BT"?
A: "3 bosses in MH and 3 in BT if they will kill 1st one"
And we will go a bit further imo
typical blizzard.
I dont think this is good news at all. And lame to yet again give us a title if we did prequest, and think, ohh well, now they probably wont care.
Beeing attuned to mount Hyjal isnt just about a new oppotunity to get new purples. It was also a prove that you had what it takes to get 2 hard encounters like Vashj/Kael down. It made T6 more unique, because you had to prove you where good, in order to get there. I think is a lame excuse for blizz in order to get more people to stay playing in endgame. First SSC attunement, and now this..
And how sad, that you dont even have to kill the other bosses as well. Killing everything, and opening the bridge to Vashj for the first time, is something really special. Its a feeling of you having done something hard, and are about to face something special..
btw, this is exactly what happened when we started to get people attuned to tempest keep
Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal
The Vials of Eternity quest is no longer necessary for entry to Hyjal. This quest is still required for faction rings.