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1: You
Country: the netherlands
Occupation/work: student
e-mail (optional):private (for now)
Activitylevel - How many do you play, and for how long? What days can you raid, and for how long.
i play atleast everyday and can raid everyday except monday and thursday, i the weekends i might go out so that can chance.
2: Your character
Name, class, race, gender.
HP, mana, manaregen, AP, all resists (unbuffed)
~9k,6.2k 100(withouth aspect of the viper,
Talent (link) … ndhippiebv (i got some pvp talents atm but can change it if its needed)
enchanting:30 (just got this 1)
Reputation with the most relevant factions and highest pvp rank
honored/revered with all factions and i made this char after they turned the pvp ranks off
Notable alts on this and other servers, with the expected activity on these characters:
im having a lvl 70 druid on this server and will make it resto in a very short time,
3: Gear
Your current gear in a profile (allakhazam/ctprofile). … ndhippiebv
i use the insignia only in pvp, when im raiding i use that darkmoon faire card with that imba crit rating buff.
We want to see all apsects of your gear, so more than one profile is always helpful. Your resist profiles, tanking profiles, etc.
gear is for pvp mostly the same unless i got glad s1 gloves,chest and shoulders with some stamina gems
Describe your gear. Reason for choosing this gear.
PvE=pure dps so attack power is a must and in pvp i use mostly crit/stam gear. those are the majors musts in pve/pvp
Describe your "desert island" gear. Items you desperately want. This can be imaginary items as well.
hey, this is a game so i play for fun and to get further and further in progress, but i got to admit a shiny t6 item would look nice
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them:
feint, divinity
Reason for leaving them:
the gm of feint was kinda hardcore, kept screaming to us and every guild message of the day was only negative stimulation and divininty is near death every1 is leaving it so we aren't raiding anymore
Ambitions within a guild:
learn some new people and making progress in the game
Reason for your TEO application:i want to make progres in PvE
Do you know anyone in TEO?i know kees, he's an IRL friend
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?
im a nice guy always in to help guildmates for gearing up/attunments, i got brains so you dont need to worry about some tricky things in boss fights
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"?20 days and 19 hours
What is your raiding experience?full kara,full gruul, and VR
What is your ambition with playing this game? trying to get as far as possible in PvE
Do you have any other significant gaming experience? i was quite skilled in "wolfenstein enemy territory"
Tell us about your computer: i dont have a high end computer, it works fine,gives decent framerate/latency and only disconnects once in a year i gues
i hope i can get invited so i can start raiding again, im fine if i get in the enigma disorder first to gear up
cya hund
We have 4 raid active hunters atm and are currently not looking for more. Sorry
If the situation changes we will browse through the forum and see if its still relevant.
Good Luck in finding a guild.
thnx for the fast reply, btw is it still possible to join the enigma disorder so i can atleast join some kara grps, and maybe later on i can move on to the enigma order? im just so bored these days
cheers hund
Yeah I guess that could be an option. But remember that doesn't mean we will recruit you after a few months. And also; the altguild is an extension of TEO, so our general rules apply there too, just so you know
thnx m8 and i understand i wont be instantly invited to TEO.
ill talk to you ingame