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1: You:
Name: Lars Sverre
Age: 21
Country Norway
Occupation/work a small office job
e-mail (optional)
Activitylevel - How many do you play, and for how long? What days can you raid, and for how long. i can play almost evry day from 1700 to 2400. specialy in weekends
2: Your character
Name, class, race, gender. Riddik, Hunter, Male
HP, mana, manaregen, AP, all resists (unbuffed) 9051 HP, 100 manaregen, 1783 AP and 527 agility,10 nature resist
Talent (link) … p;n=Riddik
Tradeskills Herbalisem 375 and alchemy 375
Reputation with the most relevant factions and highest pvp rank … p;n=Riddik
Notable alts on this and other servers, with the expected activity on these characters I have a lvl 64 warrior on realm Shatterd Halls, think im gonna transfer him to this realm
3: Gear
Your current gear in a profile (allakhazam/ctprofile). … p;n=Riddik
Describe your gear. Reason for choosing this gear. the reason is that i like doing pve
Describe your "desert island" gear. Items you desperately want. This can be imaginary items as well. well my dream set is T6 gear, but cant complain with T5 set
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them Exalted from a realm called Shattered Halls, i leaved the guild and server because they didnt raid to often and the realm hadnt gotten far
Ambitions within a guild have fun, get new friends and do instances with guild m8s
Reason for your TEO application Have a friend there name giland and want to come feather in instances
Do you know anyone in TEO? giland[/b]
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?hard question to answer, but have to say that i am a active and sosial player
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"?played 29 days
What is your raiding experience?Kara, zulaman,gruul,a little bit the eye and SSC
What is your ambition with playing this game? have fun
Do you have any other significant gaming experience?FM and just normal playstation games
Tell us about your computer brand new computer with a big big screen
Hello Riddik, im sorry to say that we are full on hunters atm but if the situation will change i will browse through this forum.