One down

After some good, near-death attempts on our first mythic reset, we were left with a little bit of a bad taste at our own performance to be perfectly frank. We knew we had more than enough gear to get the job done, the strategy was quite self-explanatory, honestly we just did not play very good. Sad but true.

Luckily on the next reset we first went through a heroic clear with no hiccups and then we were back at Beastlord Darmac. Things were clicking from the get-go this time and it did not take long for us to get it done.

WoWScrnShot_022615_222234Good first boss in mythic. Nothing really hard, but long enough to leave not too much room for mistakes. We are glad to be done with it after a few too many low hp wipes. Sad but true, we got all the possible worst drops from his loot table.