Two kill or not two kill?

To kill! Two killed!

Our bold adventures continue as the second mythic boss dies this reset. We now do have evidence that tank damage is indeed the case – our tanks were in full panic mode and giggled like little girls every time they managed not to die (which happened more often for one than for the other).

A satisfying kill – we first hit enrage with the boss still at 10% hp left, so it seemed a bit grim. However some smart changes and assignments made it seem more less impossible within few pulls and finally, with only few raid members left standing and one seriously enraged boss we scored an exciting kill.


One Mississipi

We did indeed step into mythic Tomb of Sargeras as indicated in the previous post and we stomped the first boss. He is dead now. We killed him. It felt good. There was loot.

Nice and easy baby-boss to start off our most recent adventure.

Oh, and it seems like tank damage is a thing again, which is a nice breath of fresh air that will maybe make tanks focus on staying alive rather than damage done.

We are prepared

Months ago we killed Archimonde mythic. Contrary to what we thought we never stopped raiding since then, we only did it less often. As a result the entire team got the HFC mounts, the guild earned some precious gold and we all had the time to mentally prepare for what’s coming. Amazing effort by everyone!

There were also ring upgrades. Many upgrades. Many, many upgrades. Too many upgrades.

TEO banner

Legion is now just around the corner. Next reset we get the pre-expansion patch with many new changes, then few weeks later it will rain infernals. Similar as in the case of Siege of Orgrimmar, one feels it couldn’t come any earlier. We leave Draenor with mixed feelings, but one thing is for sure – we are prepared for whatever the game throws at us next.

Legion gnomeThe gnome salutes you, Hellfire Citadel and the entire Draenor. Respectfully!

Seeds, seeds, seeds!

New boss, new experience. This time Seeds were the name of the game. Short fight, but you got to stay on your toes all the time. Quite a few almost kills before we finally nailed it.

9. Fel Lord ZakuunSadly, not exactly an impressive first kill at all, whole lot of mess and a reasonable expectation that the first few re-kills won’t exactly be a walk in the park. Four bosses left, three of them having quite a bit of a reputation.

Gorefiend dead, guild still alive

Lovely, lovely, lovely!

So after somewhat slow start in Hellfire Citadel caused by summer holidays and all the absences, we eventually reached what is rapidly gaining the fame of a guild killer – Mr. Gorefiend himself. The first few pulls proved we are in for a treat.

A lot can be said about Warlords of Draenor, there are many flaws and examples of poor design decisions. However, for the raiding part of the community, all this absolutely pales in comparison to the quality of the raid encounters we are offered. Our latest, precious kill is a prime case of just that. An entire week spent on the same encounter and never once was it boring. Hell, even after the kill instead of the usual we “uhh, finally!”, we had people cheering and wanting to do it again right away.

And so just as the title indicates – hard boss done, guild alive and kickin’, still protecting Stormwind, as expected!

Kill video soon to be available at our wowprogress profile, linked on the right side.

6. GorefiendAmazing teamwork, extra-enjoyable learning experience where suddenly, step by step you go from chaos to relative order. Simply insanely good fight, already being mentioned as a candidate for peoples’ “top 5” lists. Even the decision of putting this boss half way through the instance, whereas he feels more appropriate for much further part of it, feels good in the end. Statistically the next few bosses should fall with less attempts than this one.

We shall find that out soon enough!

Kilrogg Deadeye

Adds are the name of the game. Took way more time than it deserves, but again, summer, people going on holidays, ridiculous heat wave, all the external difficulties one can think of. Certainly more pulls than the difficulty level justifies, but what do you do, that ‘s how it is sometimes.

Kill video available at our wowprogress profile, linked on the right side.

Kilrogg Deadeye

On a more important note, we had time for few first pulls on Gorefiend and it was a slaughter. Finally a fight that requires some proper preparations, assignments and such. Could not come any earlier. Now to just get people back to normal activity and we should be on tracks.

The Blessed Fun-race

The Blast Furnace encounter has been defeated by The Enigma Order. It was not easy, it took a lot of planning and adjusting and once we did do it, it was awesome and a smooth kill. Even the screenshot will proove that fire is ever-present in this fight.

Blast Furnace

We had a rather unusual learning curve on this one. After two almost full raids the conclusion of one of our most trusted members boiled down to “all these wipes and we are still not anywhere closer to a kill then on the second pull”. This was an overstatement, but surely a good indication of the impression we all shared. Slowly but steadily we figured out our way of doing the fight, decided on specs people will play, did all the small arrangements that eventually made it all seem not quite as bad, whereas one raid earlier it felt like an uncontrollable mess. Luckily the final phase turned out to be not too bad and so we managed to kill the boss the second time we reached it in proper shape. The kill video that we will be publishing very soon on forum as well as our wowprogress profile is particularly worth watching, the amount of communication will make anyone appriciate just how much is going on at Blast Furnace.

One boss left, the endgame, Blackhand. Now it is all about the next patch not being released before we get it done.

Oh, shout out to the fine people who spent a whole lot of time on standby because of Furnace!

Guns’n’Roses – undaunted – we killed eight, mate

Cryptic title, but it is all the right stuff. Gun’s’Roses, so obviously Iron Maidens. Done and dusted, c’est la vie, au revoir, salut, tschus, arrivederci, bye bye. And that kill swiftly puts us at 8/10 in Blackrock Foundry, we did kill eight indeed. Undaunted, becase despite all the difficulties world (of warcraft) thrown in our face, we keep doing what we do best – slay virtual dragons and keep Stormwind safe! And when world (of warcraft, but also of Berlusconi) goes as low as to disable internet in the entire city of Bologne, just to hinder our progress, we know we are onto something! We have also gone fishing and cought us a new face or two to add to the mixture – trully an epic task nowadays.

Iron MaidensIn so far as the kill itself goes, it was one of the good ones. No last man standing nonsense, hardly any hicups on the way, cold blooded execution from the get-go till the loot phase. Very enjoyable, there is more where that came from.

One more step before we reach the grand finale, the Blast Fun-race awaits.

Imperator Mar’gok dead, Highmaul cleared

We were not really planning to finish Highmaul off any time soon, but Eastern holidays resulted in a few less signups than the usual making furhter Blackrock Foundry progression too tricky for comfort. We headed to Highmaul instead and quickly cashed in on what we have already learned prior to Foundry release.

Imperator Mar'gokAnecdotally, the first few times we reached the last, mythic-only phase, we had legendary bad luck, with near-impossible things happening. And of course we had our traditional 1% wipe, would not count otherwise.

Got the job done eventually though and the majority agrees that the encounter is extremely good and enjoyable, if perhaps a tad too long. Eastern over now, back to Foundry.

Choo choo!

We trained the boss (see what I did there?!) for a bit, had a blast in the process and eventually killed the boss dead.

Operator ThogarGood, good fun, shame it is already done. Maidens next on the menu, however before we get to that, there will likely be a wee bit of a downtime due Eastern.

More bosses like Operator Thogar please!