The Enigma Order is recruiting

The Enigma Order has an active history for over 4 years with alot of dedicated and skilled players, both old and new. Some are still around since the day the guild was made. During these 4 years our goal has been to progress as far as the game has to offer and we have succeeded on it quite nicely. We are not calling ourselfs a hardcore guild since our way of raiding is not as strict as top end/hardcore guilds. If you are looking for a social, friendly and active PvE guild here is a good offer!

In Vanilla we started from Molten Core and managed to fight our way to the old god C’thun in AQ40 before the release of Naxxramas. Before BC we killed Razuvious, Anub’Rekhan and Faerlina in Naxxramas. BC was even more of a success for us than Vanilla was: we managed to clear all the content. Now in WotLK we have continued our success and have been lucky enough to find all the fragments for Alliance 2nd Val’Anyr with Mox being its happy owner.

Our progress in WotLK:

Naxxramas Cleared
Eye of Eternity Cleared
Sartharion +3D achieved both 10 and 25man
Ulduar 25: 13/14. Thorim, Hodir, IC and XT hm’s achieved
Ulduar 10: 14/14. Glory of the Ulduar Raider achieved
ToGC 10 man: A Tribute to Insanity achieved
ToGC 25 man: 5/5 bosses down. Tribute to Skill achieved.
ICC 25: Professor Putricide down.

What we have to offer:

Stable, friendly and social international guild
Guild which is focusing on 25man heroic mode
3 x 25man raids / week (Sunday 18:45 -> 23:00, tuesday and thursday 19:30 -> 23:00)
Optional 10 man raids throughout the week
Good and nice members to play with!

What do we expect:

  • Adult manners
  • Up to date knowledge of your class, both in theory and practise. We expect you to keep your skills up to date while the game develops further.
  • Good PvE gear and spec flexibility
  • Ability to raid 3 times a week (we dont expect 100% raid activity so you are free to take a day off when theres more important business without getting a kick).
  • We expect that you can keep your focus up on raids while training hardmodes for example.
  • We expect you to be in time for raids and being prepared with consumables and good attitude. Also you are ready to raid for the whole duration of the raid.
  • Your computer and internet connection can handle raiding without problems. Fps 5 at Hodir hardmode isnt a nice thing.
  • You have ventrilo and all required raid addons installed.

What classes do we need:

See our recruitment below the menu on the right or go to our recruitment forum.

Notice that we continuously recruit exceptionally good players.

Interested? Throw us an application on or contact our officers ingame. Take some time for making the application, why would we want you? Posting a WWS from your raid improves your chanses aswell. If you need help with the application you might find Serrin’s post useful:


We have had much success in the 10 man version of the game lately. We have cleared ToC 10 man “Hardmode” and after 2 weeks of 14% despawn we finally got Algalon down. The 10 man content of this game is now completed!

Algalon had to bow for the power of the enigmas:

A cozy event is about to begin:

The Legendary Order

With The Call of the Crusade at our doorsteps and 30 Fragments of Val’anyr in Mox’ backpack; it was time to give Yogg some beating without one of the keepers. For some time it was looking grim with few signups, but Lamme called to arms and the raid was formed. After some wipes Yogg was no match for the power of the Enigmas, and a mace was forged.

The mace created:

Mox and TEO is now the happy owner of Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings as the second guild on the server!

Algalon 10 man reached!

After a wipe-fest lasting around 4 hrs on Sunday, we managed to kill Mimiron hard-mode. This was the final piece of the puzzle for us, we have now 1 hour of wiping under our belts on the hard-hitting Algalon the Observer!

Screenshot of TEO vs Algalon:

Cheers! =)

Update on our PvE Raiding status!

We know, its been long overdue, so its time to update our raiding status. In short we cleared Ulduar(with algalon and some hardmodes as an execption).

– Starting with the newest first XT-002 Hardmode! Great effort after some silly wipes. Zenghu got the chest piece. Sadly I dont have any kill-shots.

Hard mode loot from XT-002:

Breastplate of the Devoted

– Secondly but as important. At 06/16/09 the old god Yogg-saron died. This marked a change in focus for us, as we can now focus on the hardmode, and work our way to the mighty Algalon! =)


The Enigma Order achieves Of the Nightfall!

After alot of wiping and raid startup issues we finally did it! Sartharion with all the 3 drakes up. This was truly a guild effort, and involved a tons of practice while trying out different setups. Were really glad all the hard work payed off in the end. It should also be noted that the winner of our first drake mount was Vonhankkija! Grats to everyone, grats to The Enigma Order!

The Enigma Order – Four year anniversary

The 15. of february we became four years old. Can you belive it ? Four years! Ok, ok, enough of the “omg” factor, on with the fun stuff! To celebrate our anniversary we had a one month(!) celebration. With Obscure in the lead we ended up with some extremely successful events.

Celebration events:

Media Contest: TEO 4 – Media Contest Entries! WINNERS UP!

Leveling Contest: TEO 4 – The Low Level Levelling Contest 2!!

Mojorising won the media contest with an amazing video(see below). This movie was so good it was even noted by the big World of Warcraft site WoW Insider – WoW Moviewatch: Forrest GumpDK.

The winner of the leveling contest was Wrion, runner up was Lamme.

Forest GumpDK: