Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’

To a little bit of our surprise, we have another first kill to share this reset. We knew Oregorger would be a tad of a nerve-wrecking boss for us. It just had to happen that some people would refuse to dodge him rolling and take it head on. Luckily we all got the idea on our first raid at him and with a little bit more time we surely would have scored a kill there.

Eventually we did run out of time though, but we were back at it the next day. Some new people in the raid, so some relearning process, but it did not take us long to be back on tracks. Not long ago one thing led to another, end result documented by one of the more elegant kill shots we had.

WoWScrnShot_030215_222141The fact that second boss in a row dropped completely useless items on our first kill is a little disencouraging, we sure this is not some new trend about to stabilize.

Next target on the kill list, the Germans. Doesn’t get much bettter than that.