TEO Weekly Update


So a week of practise has come to an end which posed some setup problems with key people going away on vacation.
This ended up resulting in some reorganisation of the raiding(how often do you start with the end boss), so we could maximize Nefarian practise.

We extended our old lockout on Thursday so that we could hammer Nefarian some before some of our key members disappeared, a full night of practise ended up with TEO being driven back from BWD.
But still in good spirit only more determined to kill the dragon!

Rested the lockout on sunday and went on a epic hunt through BWD killing stuff without a major effort and ended up being able to do a few tries on Nefarian before calling it a night

Tuesdays raid started in ToFW and oneshoted conclave, then it was straight of to BWD.
The beginning of the raid was lacking in focus, bad attempts with mistakes being done which screwed us over.
After some tries we had a small rearrangement in how we handle the adds in p3 and something just seemed to click with 3 good tries at the end of the evening.

Even though we did not kill Nefarian we left the instance with a new insight and a strong resolve to kill him next reset!


The survey lead by one of the paragon members have produced its first round of results which can be looked up here.

Some fun reading which was found by one of our members which involves a quite lucky guy.
http://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/fc … o_but_its/

Peace Out!
//Garadien The Shapeshifter