When it came time to solve another enigma during our 6th anniversary celebration, I thought a full second who to interview. This guy has been a part of The Enigma Order since we started doing MC, and has been constantly active and an integral part of the community ever since he joined the guild. For many, still known as Rageoholic, the player behind the legendary deathknight Creasehearst tells us some equally legendary stories about watching Futurama, dressing up as birds and pizza-hungry tanks.
Read on for a truly fantastic interview, and head to the forum for the talkback!
1. What is your name, how old are you and where are you from?
My name is Henrik, I’m 24 years old and I’m from Denmark.
2. Tell us about your main character.
I started out way back in vanilla wow US beta, as a hunter no less, got in quite late, so I only got to level 12 or so before the beta was over. After that, I continued with a shaman during the EU beta, and on to a paladin, which would become my main after wow launched. As time went on the paladin class got quite boring, more often than not just being a dispell and blessing bot, so, when the paladin revamp in patch 1.9 didn’t bring about much change to the gameplay of paladins, I rerolled to warrior, and played a mixed tank and dps role, depending on what was needed right up until wotlk launched, although by the end of TBC I was mostly tanking, and rarely dpsing. 2 hours before the servers hit midnight my death knight was created, and the second one out of the starting area.
I liked the blood tree because it was dependant on twohanders and made for effective grinding due to tons of self healing. I never liked frost much, it felt way too RNG, and unholy felt ok, but still a bit odd, because you sacrificed alot of dps just to run around with a pet that you had to micromanage for not much gain. After 4.0.1 hit, the unholy tree became a fun tree to play, and the blood tree became a decidedly tank tree. When cata came round again I decided It’d be fun to try out tanking again and give that a go.
3. You started out as Paladin in molten core, then played as a warrior all the way to wotlk. What is it with plate? And is it about the DK that makes it your favorite?
I liked the idea of plate, paired with a relatively simple class, which was fulfilled in the paladin, and again in the warrior. When I went on to roll death knight, I was looking for more complexity, as well as using a 2hander for everything is pretty sweet, especially considering I was using 1handers for all my specs as a warrior (fury and prot only).
4. You are one of the oldest members of this guild. How did you end up here?
I joined from a little danish guild that had some of our old tanks, like Derviking and Wahoo, and they actually recruited me into TEO, and back then there were no applications to fill out, just an invite and away you went. This was the summer of 2005, before we started fully raiding molten core, and before we stole almost all the dwarf priests from norse elites for their fear wards 😛
Most of the oldtimers that joined back then aren’t around anymore, they either left the game or went on to join other guilds.
5. Tell us about your weirdest experience during raids or pvp.
Weirdest experience during a raid, is probably way back in vanilla, we were on golemagg, wahoo was the main tank, and he held aggro as he usually did. When golemagg hit around 90% HP left, wahoo said on the hidden danish channel on vent that he was going to get the pizza that just arrived from the delivery boy. He actually took so long that golemagg was at 15% or something like that when he came back. The best part about it? Wahoo managed to keep aggro from start to finish, not losing it even once, despite just auto attacking from ~90% to ~15%.
6. You’re known for doing some crazy achievements. Tell us about your grind for “The Insane”.
I started with the insanity on my paladin actually, when I decided to grind for the frostsaber mount. Back then you got 25 rep per quest, so it took ages. I got to honored before I quit my paladin and continued on to my warrior, where I actually finished the grind quite a bit later, when the rep was buffed to 50 and 75 per quest. I’ve also got this mount on my death knight, but it’s far easier now, than back in the day as it’s doable in an afternoon now.
As for my grind for the insane, I decided I liked the title when I first saw it, and chose to go for it. Some of the factions cost quite a bit of money, like darkmoon faire and shen’dralar just because you needed the mats to push all the way to exalted with them, and the mats were somewhat or very rare in mid wotlk, although quite a bit more rare now I believe. After I got DMF and bloodsail done, it was time for goblins and shen’dralar. While the most efficient route for goblin rep was ruining your bloodsail, I chose not to, and instead decided on the third most optimal, due to shen’dralar rep at the same time, which was Dire Maul North runs to free knot and make ogre suits, and turn in any librams that might drop. The second most efficient goblin rep grind was the pirates south of ratchet, but that left you without any librams for shen’dralar. Once those were done, i strapped myself in for the nasty one, ravenholdt. I watched all 5 seasons and all 4 movies of futurama while farming those lockboxes in tyr’s hand on my rogue. It was well over 1200 I needed to get to exalted. It truly was an insane grind, although I did take it pretty casual, and spread it out over about 8 months or so. It’s probably also why I’m able to stick to archaeology, even though I’m only missing the rarest of rares from it, nelf, dwarf and all tol’vir rares.
7. You have many strange pets, trinkets and other assorted items. What is your favorite? And is there any good stories connected to some of them?
My favorite costumes are both time-lost figurine and my murloc suit. They are rare and very cool, just annoying that they can’t be used in combat, especially the time-lost figurine as it has very cool 2hand animations, but since it takes up a trinket slot it’s gimping yourself by using it. For pets it’s gotta be my lurky, that I got from blizz screwing up with the TBC collector’s edition, The second murloc pet, and quite rare to see around nowadays. On my warrior I managed to get orb of the sin’dorei, that transforms you into a blood elf. I’d often use it during TBC while we were raiding sunwell, simply because it pissed off one of our core raiders at the time. He absolutely couldn’t stand blood elves, and his responses were always fun to read.
8. For all your old items, you don’t strike me as a nostalgic. How do you feel about being portrayed as a warrior with t5 in the guild comic?
Tier 5 is probably the tier I dislike most from the warrior tiers, looks all wrong. Tbh I like my warrior’s current look, except for his shield, which is full tier 6, dragonscale longblade from sunwell, and the shield I’d have liked to go with it was the tower shield from Illidan. As for being portrayed as a warrior, it kind of feels like being reminded of a closed chapter, since it’s not my main anymore, and hasn’t been for some time. Although, had I gotten that shield I’m not sure if I would have rerolled death knight 😛
9. And finally, as probably our most active and longest serving member, what is your most memorable moment in this guild?
I’d say my most memorable moment in the guild is a toss-up between the wahoo incident mentioned above, and our first ragnaros summoning, trainings, and subsequent kill(s), especially the kill just before a server restart. I still turn up the sound and music volumes when I solo ragnaros today, simply because it’s epic and nothing quite like it has been done again in wow.
Thanks for yor time, Creasehearst! Now head on to the forums for the talkback
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I remember when rageo farmed the frostsaber mount.. everyone thought he was crazy, but its a hell of a dedication and i think alot of TEOs back then envy his moltivation 🙂
Good read!