What a Week(notice the capital W)
There is not much to say other than a more successful week might be hard to come by again and how timely it was with our 6 year anniversary coming up at the same time.
This week really goes to show that dragons are the bad guys of this game and other stuff crumbles in comparison
But TEO with some help from the dark side killed bad guys and got epics in return.
Thursdays raid was a normal clear of BWD and Nefarian practise but it was after Thursday the interesting stuff happened
Sundays raid held much fun for the people participating after just a few tries this came up!
I can only guess how rewarding it must have felt after all those wipes.
The next thing is the stuff really worth mentioning after killing the dragon, TEO paid visit to the home of Cho’gall for the first time in 25man mode.
Our weapons freshly enchanted with dragon blood it could only turn out one way!
What can I say other than that we steam rolled it completely, it goes to say that many of the members already seen the place in 10man, but that the transition would be that smooth was not expected.
Sadly we once again failed with our Cho’gall screen shot so the picture is actually a 10man kill but this error will be fixed shortly.
Tuesday had Throne of the four winds to offer and progress on Al’akir even if we are not quite there yet on the big dude the overarching theme of this week has been quite pleasing, progress wise not much left now before it’s all out hard modes.
This week we finally got our hands on some tasty achivements which resulted in the recipes below.
Recipe: Big Cauldron of Battle
Recipe: Seafood Magnifique Feast
Big thanks to Kaini for the major contribution on the Recipe: Big Cauldron of Battle
Also a huge shout out to the people who spent hours of fishing Lamia, Araun, Maxilla, Axc, Darkfear, to name a few that contributed a lot to the Recipe: Seafood Magnifique Feast
As well thanks to all the people who spent time and made it possible to get those achievements, the true heroes of this week.
Another cool thing happened in the guild chat this week that shows that they do indeed walk among us when you least expect it.
That concludes this weeks update
Peace out