Few weeks have now passed since the launch of Legion. And what a launch and what a time it has been! We by default do not subscribe to the “WoW is dying” crowd, but quite honestly, I don’t think there’s much of that crowd left at all now. Legion launch has been a positive experience through and through, in every aspect – from servers as stable as a tightrope walker to amazing, vast new continent full of exciting content. And we have indeed been so busy with this content that there has been little time left for anything else, updating the front page notwithstanding!
The period leading up to raids was full of various adventures, some of the old varieties, some brand new ones. Every each member of the team invested a lot in their character, we stepped into mythic+, there were World Quests, hell, we even contacted some of Azeroth’s most powerful, ancient avatars.
All that made for a great build up to the week where the portal to The Emerald Nightmare was activated and we could finally go back to what we all love the most about the game – raids. Once again we felt like all the preparations, theory-crafting and ptr experience was a great advantage, even if some of the changes implemented between ptr and release led to rather hilarious situations. We planned an ambitious first week for of raids, but to out surprise we got the job done in less than the standard weekly scheduled time. This resulted in the single ugliest kill-screenshot in the long history of the guild. It’s a very interesting proof that gnomes are not the only race able to get lost in tall grass.
The general feeling now is that we are done with the activities commonly associated with an expansion launch. Soon enough we will fall back to our standard schedule and then tackle the mythic bosses at our own pace. We have a solid team ready, willing and able to do just that. Things are looking good.
Next report once the pesky, plague-infected mythic dragon known as Nythendra is slain.