This time in Solving The Enigma, we get to talk a bit with Lamia. A member since the first expansion, and like our last Enigma – a true shadow priest. She tells us about her obsession collection of pets, about joining The Enigma Order at a time when we didn’t really have guild friends in the guild, and how it is to be a girl among many guys.
1. what is your name, how old are you and where are you from?
I’m Anna, and i’m older than most thinks so this can come as a surprise – 31 (too old for this game? Not really. For most of you guys? Yes, really – fortunately :P) and i’m from Poland.
2. Tell us about your main character.
My main character is Lamia – shadowpriest. She actually had 2 lifes – first created on Lamme’s account to be killed at level 21 and reborn same day at level 1 on my own account – same looks that haven’t changed since day one.
For the sake of the looks ‘do not show helm’ became a habit with those pointy horns – i honestly haven’t seen any other draenei female character having the ones Lamia’s wearing.
One and only tier set that could handle it was one in blask mostly with roguish looking hood – tier 8? I don’t tend to remember their numbers :).
When it comes to spec – I tried healing few times and i’m relly glad that my dearest class leader knows the consequences and is not asking for my i_try_so_hard_not_to_fail healing services. People die there – it’s too stressfull ^^.
3. How long have you been in TEO?
There’s no obvious answer – not only cause i don’t remember exactly but also cause i started my guild career in ted not teo (i belive most of current teo members have no clue what i’m talking about here).
And i’ve been there since hm.. 2007? At least it was long ago enough to accidentally meet Denatus the mage (!!!) who was kind enough to insist to teleport me to Shattarah at lever 30-something so i could move from there to level.
I knew noone so i was leveling alone all the way up to 70. Started little chats with Lurfendurf round level 60-something and she made Namino to invite me to teo as a guildfriend.
4. How is it to be a girl among so many boys?
It’s a bit like having your own funny yet annoying kindergarden ^^. It’s fine though since i learnt to ignore long and way too detailed discussions about some toilet adventures being shared on guild chat (salutations to Phill and Namino mostly :P). Outside teo i ususally don’t admit i’m a girl, i see no point doing so.
But in general – let’s face it – for girl it’s better to have mostly boys than girls around, so it suits me perfectly. (no i don’t manipulate none of you guys… most of the time)
5. You’re well known for collecting pets. Tell us a bit about your collection.
I own 135 pets at the moment ( i actually had to count it – lost the track) and still working on getting few more. There are none collector’s edition or trade cards pets, but i have those few you could buy in Blizzard online store.
I’m happy owner of some that aren’t obtainable anymore – like Spirit of competition which was introduced during Olympics in China. I absolutely adore panda pet that i won’t never get and both little murlocs. I really hope that teo as a guild will be rewarded tiny dark gryphon hatchling when Blizzard decides to fix one certain achievement.
6. what is your favorite boss fight or boss mechanics?
I unfortunately have nothing to say about vanilla bosses not much about tbc ones as i was leveling when crusade was in progress already.
When it comes to bosses that might be Mimiron – i really like this dude’s sence of humor – fight is far from boring, phased, requires ones focus all the time. I like it a lot.
7. What’s the most boring daily that you still do because it’s good rewards?
I was doing Shattrah fishing dailies for ages for the sake of getting all corcolisk pets.
But i actully don’t find dailies boring at all :). I loath those in Tol Barad, cause place is extremely overcrowded most of the time when i have time to even try.
8. what is the weirdest item you carry around in your bags, and why?
Hmmmm… that might be Tiny rag dolls – in blue and green ^^. They were (and sometimes still are) sneaking around at some boss fights as kind of a supervisors.
9. tell us about your worst noob mistakes or your weirdest experience during raids or pvp.
For someone who played for a day and came with a statement – i NEVER will be able to go above level 20 in this game – most things i’ve done is pretty much wierd experiance. 😉
Noob mistakes… so many of them that i can’t choose one good enough to share. Nothing epic or spectacular though – unless someone remembers better than i do XD.
Everyone know that i’m not a dedicated pvp player – i like battelgrounds, especially with guild group, i had been literally dragged to arena by Jin who showed extreeme patience and sence of humor when it came to my non-existant knowledge about what to do. I actually remember Merobo noticing me in arena and shouting in guild chat that hell has frozen or something like that. Lately Apocalypse was kind enough to teach me in 2s – most of the time i’m still like: panic attack, what to do? tell me what to do!!!!!!! ^^
One of pretty weird moments was served by Zonekiller when we were trying to down Anub’arak in hc mode. We’re ready to go again after 100 million wipes and Zonekiller tells us to wait and asks if someone has 4 rhino meats with him. Someone was kind to give him those and he starts to cook. – why are you cooking those, are you using them?! – No it’s for cooking daily. And entire raid goes – huh? O.o
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