Solving the Enigma: Tully

In the first of a series of monthly (or bi-weekly) interviews with our guild members, we meet up with Tully, one of the longest serving members of the guild. Tully hasn’t been that active in the last two expansions, according to himself (exalted with all the new factions in Cataclysm is “not active” hmmm?), but he still plays and certainly still enjoys the game.
As the nostalgic that he is, Tully talks a bit about Ragnaros and other experiences in vanilla.

1. what is your name, how old are you and where are you from?
My name is Stian, I am 25 years old and I come from the deep and dark forests of southeastern Norway. A small town called Elverum, and it’s not really that dark there. And if it is, we have electricity there, so there’s probably a light switch nearby 😉

2. Tell us about your main character.
My main character is the dwarf priest Tully. I don’t remember exactly when I made this character any more. I know that I made my first WoW character, the human warrior Perrin, in february 2005, but I switched to Tully a few months later. It was probably in april 2005 or something.
I guess I don’t have a favourite spec, although I have mainly been shadow since The Burning Crusade came out. Before I started raiding with TEO I was also shadow when I pvp’ed quite a lot, but throughout the Molten Core and up until the beginning of Naxxramas(the original one) I was holy. Actually, I think I healed during our first runs in Karazhan as well.
When it comes to weapons I think that staves and maces usually look better than daggers.

Tully, as he looks a few weeks into Cataclysm

Tully, as he looks a few weeks into Cataclysm

3. How long have you been in teo?
I think I joined TEO in june 2005, although I don’t remember exactly. I was in Norse Alliance before that (Maybe some of you remember that guild). Anyway, I joined TEO and jumped right into some Molten Core action! And it was a lot of fun. Ah those were some good days =)

Devout-clad dwarf Tully

Devout-clad dwarf Tully

4. what is your favorite boss fight or boss mechanics?
My most memorable boss fight is without a doubt Ragnaros. It was just crazy to go down into his cave and take him down for the first time. Pure magic! So the answer is Ragnaros. But there has been lots and lots of other cool bosses and exciting encounters. Most of my most memorable WoW moments are from Vanilla and TBC, since I played very little during WOTLK, although I’m sure there were plenty of well designed encounters there as well.

5. what is your favorite quest chain?
Hm, I’m not sure about this one. But just to pick out one I choose the one in The Storm Peaks with the Bronzebeard brothers. I remember I had a nice “Aha!” moment or something at the end of that chain. Or was it an “Awww!” moment? I cant really remember. At least it was a very nice ending to that quest chain.

6. what is the weirdest item you carry around in your bags, and why?
Actually I just cleaned up my bags a couple of weeks ago, so there’s not really anything weird in there at the moment. For some reason I have the MiniZep Controller in there at least 😉

7. tell us about your worst noob mistakes or your weirdest experience during raids or pvp.
I don’t remember any specific situation, but probably that’s just because I n00b around so much on a daily basis that my mind don’t register it. I have contributed to plenty of wipes causing frustration for many many players over the last six years, so there’s bound to be plenty of noob mistakes in my WoW history. My most special moment was when we took down Ragnaros for the first time. Nefarian is pretty high up there as well.

Tier 2 is still Tully's favorite set

Tier 2 is still Tully

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Solving The Enigma will return with an interview with another TEO member soon.
Keep watching the front page for more good stuff in the future.