We haz title

Nefarian got so impressed he rewarded us with a new title for 30minutes for defeating his stupid, incompetent and disappointing minion.

Who needs minions?

Who needs a minion?

At first glance it seemed like a fairly “easy” fight but required some very specific fine tuning to actually kill it on almost every front and our healers had abstinence for more mana
The kill eventually flowed into a emo feast a few seconds before he went down but none the less he went down

Magmaw Down

Nefarians favourite worm hits the ground and all the help in the world would not help
As they tried to bring armageddon upon us we simply outplayed poor Magmaw and the loot was ours

TEO brought Armageddon to the worm

TEO brought Armageddon to the worm

Nefarian is rapidly running out of minions we will resume our Maloriak practise and get our “Receiver of Unnessecarely long, stupidly awesome, incredebly shortlived title”.

Will also take the time to promote some members of the guild here for nice performance on some bosses<3

Apocalypse going to town on the WoL record of Chimaeron healing for paladins

And finally Lamme the hunter that went all out on Magmaw tonight

Stay tuned for more cool boss kills =D

Peace out!


Chimaeron Heroic

A raid that started out somewhat confused actually got something done.
Plan was to go Atramedes HC but who apparently decided to go and bugg himself so we switched over to Chimaeron and which was not very heroic at all and after five tries even Nefarians motivational speech did not help the big beast to kill us

Need more heads for next time

Need more heads for next time

After some distributed loots we went for Maloriak HC which got very close but no cigars there yet
But he’s mixing potions for all his worth cause we are soon coming for him again

Peace out!



A Friday update to keep people in touch with recent event especially since yesterday was awesome =)

But first things first last reset was a standard one nothing out of the ordinary.
Thursdays raid took us for ToFW bashing along with Magmaw, and with some omnobots practise

Sundays raid we went and said “Hi” to BoT and Cho’gall, Halfus going down in hc once again but the rest in normal mode so standard stuff
More omnobots practise, big part of our recent practise on these guys is that we completely changed our movement pattern for this fight and it have given great results so far sub 50%

Tuesday more omnobots we really like these guys <3 and after just a few wipes we decided to go and just have a look on Atramedes HC since our healer team lacked some key members which made our healing capacity serverly lacking we cleared BWD up to Nefarian but to little time for the big guy once again =(

And since I’m late we will have a update for yesterdays raid as well and I would like to summarize it with a picture

Robots ran out of juice

Robots ran out of juice

Oh yeah baby they went down and Nefarain stood chocked and appealed when TEO emerged victorious with even more hc loots then before

Side note is that we went and killed Halfus hc as well on Thursday since one person in the interrupting team was unable to log in at invites

Good job to everyone that participated and there is even more cake this update our all time favourite Windows movie maker pro Axc made a video of the kill try and here it is Kill Video


Some overdue news and some actually new stuff who could have guessed

A lot of members are flying around now on their Reins of the Dark Phoenix and well that’s just awesome =)

It was recently decided to start working towards the repair achivemet It All Really Adds Up outside of raids so it will go quicker hopefully

There is a post on the forums for all members about some cool summer action for the guild and if you have time you should absolutely come, can only result in epicness =D

Hearths for everyone <3 Peace out!

Another News Update

Woops this update ended up being a bit late I apologise for that
Same as last week on the news front I’m afraid not much to report
We are like the nothing slowly creeping forward and those of you that got that reference hearths to you <3

Thursdays raid was special in it’s own way not much to say about it those of you who participated in it knows what happened

Sundays was pretty slow but stuff got killed HC halfus, twin dragons and Magmaw got slapped around

Tuesday was a bit of everything cleared out BoT moved on to omnobots hc traning and after some time of practise transitioned into clearing up to Nefarain not having enough time to kill big bad dragon


Starcraft 2 (if you for some reason have missed it) have a demo you should definitely try it out

PTR patch notes has been up for a while, have not got around to link them but here it comes

AND we reached guild level 20 a few days ago! Hurray heirloom heads for everyone

Peace Out!


Weekly Update

Not much to report this week pretty much standard stuff all the way through, so a short post to keep all the wonderful people out there up to date with enigma stuff =)


Thursdays raid was a trip to ToFW and Halfus hc practise, Halfus not rolling over dead this week, but a straight up clear of ToFW

Sunday’s raid we went in for the kill on bastion of twilight on normal and then moved on to Omnitron defence hc which was a quite interesting fight

Tuesdays raid we had yet another look on Omnitron defence and had a few tries before moving on to kill all stuff up to Nefarian but not having enough time to finish the deal with the big dragons before the raid ended

Peace Out!



Sundays raids was something extraordinary, first it was of to Throne of four winds and do battle with Al’akir
It wasn’t long before he gave in and TEO emerged successful from the storm!



Then officially done with the warm up part of the game it was time to start with the real deal and we visited Bastion of twilight for the first time in heroic.

After some whine about how “hard” the trash was we stood in front of our first heroic challenge Halfus.
After a few tries it was decided to try a some what unorthodox tactic for the sake of practice but it became more then that and 5minutes past raid time TEO once again got some loot and with a nice green text added to it this time.

Not enough dragons

Not enough dragons