An old gold mine has been uncovered!
Link after the jump! You’ll not regret this! Continue reading
It’s this simple, we are 6 years as a guild. And we’re really proud of the fact that not only do we exist, but we’re as strong a guild and community as we have ever been.
Read on to find out the various stuff that has happened during the anniversary.
When it came time to solve another enigma during our 6th anniversary celebration, I thought a full second who to interview. This guy has been a part of The Enigma Order since we started doing MC, and has been constantly active and an integral part of the community ever since he joined the guild. For many, still known as Rageoholic, the player behind the legendary deathknight Creasehearst tells us some equally legendary stories about watching Futurama, dressing up as birds and pizza-hungry tanks.
Read on for a truly fantastic interview, and head to the forum for the talkback!
February 15th!
Ok, it’s a few days to go, but why not start now? And we’re hoping that within the week we’ll have killed Nefarian as part of the celebration. Fun fact: We killed Nefarian 40 one day before our first anniversary, and chances are good we’ll replicate that feat with Nefarian 25…
Starting already now, the guild comic returns in spectacular fashion with a daily update every day (doh) up until the 15th feb! So be sure to check our forum every day for the latest funny!
Click the link for the first chapter in this monumental comic! (Well I’m not lacking confidence, am I?)
And here’s a teaser for the coming days:
// Obscure
So blood, time, and running have been the theme this week much time as always spent on Nefarian
Thursday: Clearing no big thing happening there, then Nefarian practise seeing a 10% wipe happen and the spirit was high after that. But nothing major happened after.
Sunday: Somehow it was like being back to progress raiding ToGC Anub’arak on Sunday the raid time was filled with dc’s and wipes, one 4% wipe but we could as well wipe in phase 1, this raid had very different wipes to offer. Made a short break to say hi to the Conclave but went right back to Nefarian practise after that
Wednesday is wipe day. 8% best try. Will Nefarian be our new Vaelastrazs, Anub’arak or C’Thun? Let’s not be negative here, we’re not replicating our fiasco in Ahn’Qiraj, but there’s no doubt Nefarian is a hard one.
Guild member Axc has kept track and listed the statistics over our wipes and the %. It’s not really a cheerful reading, but it shows progress if nothing else.
Patch day paradise this week =D
This is what I heard: Rogues will be permanently stealthed, paladins are getting a well deserved dps nerf, and all night elves will continue to be fabulous. Fabulous!
//Garadien and Obscure
This time in Solving The Enigma, we get to talk a bit with Lamia. A member since the first expansion, and like our last Enigma – a true shadow priest. She tells us about her obsession collection of pets, about joining The Enigma Order at a time when we didn’t really have guild friends in the guild, and how it is to be a girl among many guys.
A new list is up, and this time I focus my attention on my favorite hobby: Toys.
There have been many Warcraft action figures, and I have looked at them all to find out which five are the best.
Click the link to read more!
A new list by Obscure is up. This time it’s the raid instances that gets the spotlight. Raiding is extremely important in World of Warcraft, and we all have our favorite instances. As usual, the list is really more about nostalgia and weird facts than about what is really best.
But these five are the best.
So what instances made the list? How important is the loot? Will AQ40 finally get the recognition it didn’t deserve? And how weird is it that two of the entries lie less than 100 yards from each other?
Click link to find out!
So another week of raiding has gone by and BWD has taken a beat once again. Clearing everything up to Nefarian the first day relative easily, leaving the rest of the week for Nefarian practice.
Sundays raid we once again found ourself battling a dragon not willing to just roll over and ended up hitting phase three with about halfway to go on his health bar, setup wise screwing us some on the healer front but we’ll continue to push onward
Tuesday raid was good, and even though we didn’t clear it, Nefarian felt the wrath of The Enigma Order. He’s not sleeping well tonight, knowing we start at scratch tomorrow, shields polished, swords sharpened, mana pools filled. Things will definitely be interesting next reset!
Good stuff did how ever happen in a totally different instance, the 10man version of Twilight Bastion has been conquered by The Enigma Order poking the last eye ball on Cho’gall making him drop dead in front of us. Sadly no one bothered to take a picture, so you’ll just have to trust us.
So now it’s just wait and see what epic encounters we will find in this instance can on heroic mode and it’s new end boss.
There recently was a few fun top-lists write by one of our members on the forum which holds a lot of fun reading
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
An intressting survey have started lead by one member from paragon which might provide some intressting results when
finished, so follow the link and participate if you want, you can check it out here
Peace out!
In the first of a series of monthly (or bi-weekly) interviews with our guild members, we meet up with Tully, one of the longest serving members of the guild. Tully hasn’t been that active in the last two expansions, according to himself (exalted with all the new factions in Cataclysm is “not active” hmmm?), but he still plays and certainly still enjoys the game.
As the nostalgic that he is, Tully talks a bit about Ragnaros and other experiences in vanilla.