And so it went

A few evenings ago things started to happen some are almost ancient by the time now that they reach the front page and others are more recent, it all started with a few attempts on Hagara which resulted in a most unsuspecting kill, and the result can be viewed in the screen shot believe it or not =)

That was the ancient part, now the more recent happenings is a boss with a thing for playing with slime that caused us a lot of trouble and he finally ended up in the remains of his on slime watch and enjoy

There is a nice video done by Wrion as well on the forum check it out!

All for this time “We’ll be back” count on it =)

Peace out!



So time to catch up with things now that Christmas and new years stuff is done with.
So here is the screen shot from a kill that happened a while back let’s hope there are many more where it came from now when we are coming around with the new year

Merry Christmas

Just a quick update to wish all guildies and none guildies a fantastic holiday and hope that you have a good harvest beneath the Christmas tree this year.

Bosses might get a break might not, but let’s not care about that right now we’ll be back in full force soon enough and hard mode is the theme for the new year.

So a short merry Christmas from the leading team of The Enigma Order to all of you who are reading this =)

That was all for this time

Peace love and understanding

//Leading team

We’re safe again!

A little late upload but here it is at last the kill pictures on Deathwing or what’s left of him.

Perhaps not the coolest fight they could have done but epic nonetheless so enough of me rambling here are the screen shots!

So now we of course move on to the hard mode bosses to take their loot from them in a mildly violent fashion. So look forward to more progress and pictures soon =)

And a second funny thing that was a bi product of our kill on spine being somewhat fast to register on world of logs, so it generated some interesting results from that, have a look for yourself.

As said just a fun thing since there were not many logs up on WoL at the time of our kill so don’t count on it to last for long ^^
Even if it would have been very nice if this was the case every time =D

That’s all for this time folks

Peace out!


Priest of Legends

After a long and harsh road we finally got to see Lamia get the dragon infused staff while sitting on a platform over Stormwind.

And of course here are some epic screen shot of the whole thing =D

And last but not least there was a prediction made of how Lamia would look and since we don’t have such a photo with here standing with the staff you will have to do with with that
And it’s 100% accurate I should add =)

That was all for this time

Peace out!


So what just happened?

So the nerfs hit a week ago and things started rolling sadly we were alitle to slow to get some kills before that happened like Staghelm which we had a very very close wipe on just before they went live

But none the less things got killed after the nerf and here is the result so far

exploding spiders

exploding spiders



Tank deaths

Tank deaths

They really got hit hard so it’s always nice to kill new stuff but it has not been the same exciting feeling when stuff rolls over within one raid but well continue towards the shiny loot at the end of the tunnel

Peace out!


The Enigma Order Recruiting

So we have had some roster related problems as of late and because of that Enigma Order is now opening up recruitment for all classes so if you think you have what we are looking for feel free to make an apply

We do how ever have a few requirements listed below

  • Experienced in the game, in particular the pve aspect. Being an old timer from as far back as vanilla is a plus (our leading crew consists of such players).
  • Able and willing to raid 3 times per week, under stable schedule. We are strict about this requirement.
  • Oriented at hard modes, however not hardcore focused. We keep a balance. It’s sometimes hard, but in the end it’s always good.
  • Fluent in English. We have had cases of skilled players who simply couldn’t keep up in raids, simply because they did not comprehend the tactics explained in English. Again, we are strict on this one.
  • We expect you to be in time for raids and being prepared with consumables and good attitude. Also you are ready to raid for the whole duration of the raid.

It might be worth to state one more thing explicitly – we are less concerned with gear. We have had a few successful cases where a very poorly geared player convinced us with his application he was the material we were after, which ended up in a win-win situation. On the other hand we want the gear to at least show that a maximum effort was put in it.

If you are interested in joining The Enigma Order please visit our recruitment forum

You can also visit to learn some more about our history which is quite vast … 01&p=1

Peace out!


Not enough heat

Wooow this was something that was just insane.
Many, many raids was spent on this guy and at last something just clicked and he felt almost easy at the kill attempt and down he went.

Want some ice?

Want some ice?

I can understand that people felt shaky after this was a long time coming and a well deserved kill
Possibly the most epic kill at the top together with omnotron

Damn good job everyone let’s just show him how’s boss this reset as well =D

On a interesting note Lamia is nearing completion with her legendary with just a few weeks left depending on how the drop rate nerf affects it but soon there.

Was all for this time and let’s go and get our next hc kill now =D


Beast Master

But even if he was a master that was not enough to withstand the slaughter from Enigma and he ended up going down at our first raid day with him.

Bestial Wrath

Bestial Wrath

Next on the list is the stone dude, so let’s see if he have had a movement speed increase in heroic so he can out run his own death

Too Soon????

Guess most people already guessed where this is heading so I’ll cut right to the case
Ragnaros is finally down and not a moment too soon as he suggested when he took a dive into his pool of lava

Shinies inside chest

A very satisfying kill even if it was long over due and now we finally have access to some cool hard modes!
But will have to guess that all the training lead to something since we got some cool achivement for it as well

Hopefully I’ll be back soon but with some awesome hc mode kill!

Peace out!
