First out is our latest heroic kill. This stupid boss thought The Enigma Order lacked ping pong skills put we played like J-O Waldner and looted him “shortly” after.
There is a kill video of it for people to watch under the media section on the forum, chop chop don’t waste your time go and see it.
Now we have some of the cool stuff to go through, and one of those is that our most beloved, broken, in house talent Johnreaper finished his legendary so a very big happy face for him =D
Even if that’s not John it was pretty much impossible to get a awesome screen shot involving him since…. well lets just say he ain’t no gnome our John, so we enlisted Zewie to take his place instead as front page model.
Here is also a picture of the whole legendary team, yeah I know what you all are saying there is a rogue lacking in these pictures but he’s actually in front of Lamia he just forgot to go out of stealth mode before the picture =(
But you can still see the real legendaries(We all love you John <3)
So to be clear there is no screen shot yet of big boss John with his daggers but I will be hot fixed in as soon as it’s ready(see what I did there? 😉 )
And with that it’s time to end this post
Peace out!