All good things come to an end

The Enigma Order is shutting down its organized, mythic raiding activity and is turning into a social guild. Our long and amazing run has come to an end.

Thanks for the effort everyone put in the guild, be good to others, thanks for all the raids, goodnight and bye bye.

Smalle out.

So killing Mistress Sassz’ine just recently was a welcomed breath fresh of air, even more so since we were told that the following boss, Maiden of Vigilance, was considerably easier. We did not quite like the idea of going from harder boss to an easier, so we decided to train and eventually kill Maiden with everyone playing at black and white settings. That is the only reason why we needed more than a handful of pulls to get the job done and anyone who says something else is just jealous of not being a gnome.

True story.

There was still some time left after Maiden so we pulled Fallen Avatar few times. Right now the consensus is not to play that one at black and white.

Mistress Sassz’ine

First of the truly hard bosses in Tomb of Sargeras. It took lots and lots of pulls, especially since the details of the tactic had to be modified as we got better gear.

A rather unusual first kill as well provided the boss’s standards – entire raid alive, kicking and in good shape.

And of course – crap loot.

Desolate Host

As it often is the case with fighting bosses in the middle of summer holidays season, the main struggle here was not so much the encounter itself, but coming up with a setup that stood a chance beating the boss. Once we managed to do that, we did not need to wait very long for a kill.

Now that the semi-easy part of Tomb of Sargeras is cleared, the real deal starts. We already tried Mistress a few times and we now it is not going to be pretty.

We did Sisters, since old jokes never get old

Things have rapidly gotten more interesting now. Sisters of the Moon turned out to be a pretty exciting encounter – it is not every day that a ten minutes long fight does not feel boring at any point. That one managed to achieve just that for us.

A solid step up compared to the previous bosses, but still nothing crazy tight. Also a rare case of a fight where the room plays a role that did not feel artificial. Good stuff.

As we steadily make our way through the first half of Tomb of Sargeras, the top guilds are slowly, very slowly, managing to clear the place. Kil’jaeden is rapidly gaining a reputation as being one of the hardest bosses ever released, certainly so in recent times. In fact so does the second last boss, so one might say things are about to get interesting!

Demonic Inquisition

So the joke here is that there will be no reference to the Spanish Inquisition. None whatsoever. Nada. Nil.

Once we finally got down to business it didn’t take us terribly much time at all to kill the boss. A rather unusual kill either, no low percent wipes, essentially from 40% to a kill the next pull.

Three done, baby bosses down. This is where it gets interesting.

Two kill or not two kill?

To kill! Two killed!

Our bold adventures continue as the second mythic boss dies this reset. We now do have evidence that tank damage is indeed the case – our tanks were in full panic mode and giggled like little girls every time they managed not to die (which happened more often for one than for the other).

A satisfying kill – we first hit enrage with the boss still at 10% hp left, so it seemed a bit grim. However some smart changes and assignments made it seem more less impossible within few pulls and finally, with only few raid members left standing and one seriously enraged boss we scored an exciting kill.


One Mississipi

We did indeed step into mythic Tomb of Sargeras as indicated in the previous post and we stomped the first boss. He is dead now. We killed him. It felt good. There was loot.

Nice and easy baby-boss to start off our most recent adventure.

Oh, and it seems like tank damage is a thing again, which is a nice breath of fresh air that will maybe make tanks focus on staying alive rather than damage done.

Heroic mode cleared, Kil’jaeden dead (again)

We ventured into Tomb of Sargeras promptly after its doors opened and it didn’t take us long to face the final villain. Quite a few fights seem to have the potential to become iconic in mythic mode, but only time will tell if that is the case.

Meanwhile we got rid of Kil’jaeden heroic and we are therefore ready to step into mythic mode once again.

Nighthold ends, Tomb of Sargeras opens

Tier nineteen is now officially over and what a bumpy ride has it been for us. First of all, an unusual case of a tier split into three different raids. We cleared Emerald Nightmare in a timely manner, we cleared Trial of Valor only after we got items from the final instance and then most importantly, we did not clear Nighthold.

Not exactly something to be proud of, but that how it is and we need to own that. Ironically enough, we were so very, very close to killing mythic Gul’dan… not this time though.

Going forward into Tomb of Sargeras we hope we have drawn the right conclusions from the previous tier and that we will clear the place before the final raid of Legion is released. One thing we know for a fact, the beginning of new tier will be bumpy for us – holiday season combined with some roster turbulence is not an easy obstacle to overcome.