Book of Obscure Remedies: The 5 Best Raids

A new list by Obscure is up. This time it’s the raid instances that gets the spotlight. Raiding is extremely important in World of Warcraft, and we all have our favorite instances. As usual, the list is really more about nostalgia and weird facts than about what is really best.

But these five are the best.

So what instances made the list? How important is the loot? Will AQ40 finally get the recognition it didn’t deserve? And how weird is it that two of the entries lie less than 100 yards from each other?
Click link to find out!

Solving the Enigma: Tully

In the first of a series of monthly (or bi-weekly) interviews with our guild members, we meet up with Tully, one of the longest serving members of the guild. Tully hasn’t been that active in the last two expansions, according to himself (exalted with all the new factions in Cataclysm is “not active” hmmm?), but he still plays and certainly still enjoys the game.
As the nostalgic that he is, Tully talks a bit about Ragnaros and other experiences in vanilla.

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Lich King down, the Putricide Syndrome

Point is, Lich King felt from The Enigma Order hands in 25 man version. Ass dead as a dodo for that matter.

By way of an introduction, let me refer to our first Putricide kill. It was still in limited attempts times. We had 3 attempts left and approached the fight semi self-assured. The first 2 attempts weren’t bad. The last attempt was insane, very much a kill, very few seconds left on enrage. The focus was so hard, you could cut it with a knife and serve in pieces. Unbelievable.

Now, back to Lich King. Sunday raid, so four hours. The instance was almost prepared, only had one boss other than the King himself. First try was insanely promising, last phase right away. Then it started getting worse. And worse. And I mean – worse, to the point where everyone and their mother would be happy if we called it. At some point, reaching phase 2 felt like a success and we had endless baths in Defile.

And then, the usual, last attempt. First phase, flawless (with about 1 sec time margin), second one, flawless. And then third phase, some small deaths and… 10%, aoe death, screams on vent. Putricide Syndrome all the way.

Not enough irony you say? Why sure, off to the loot part:

Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand
Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand
Protector’s Mark of Sanctification
Protector’s Mark of Sanctification

Still not ironic enough? How about that –
For whatever semi-quasi-funny reason, someone decided that we will not benefit from the zone wide buff. You hear me right, some joker sent King Varian and his buff away during the break. So yes, not only a first kill, but also totally legit way, no buffs, no saronites grenades, pure own by The Enigma Order!

The Enigma Order celebrates 5 years!

It’s certainly not usual for wow guilds to last over long periods of time, and 5 years in the online gaming world is even rarer. But February 15th The Enigma Order could celebrate 5 years as a guild. Even though many of those who started the guild have stepped down – me included – we still keep an eye out for what’s going on with TEO. And the guild spirit is certainly still there, with many long time members at charge, and a good composition of “new” and “old” members teaming up to defeat any encounter. It’s safe to say that gaming wise the guild has never been stronger, and rumors has it that the Lich King himself dreads the day when The Enigma Order enters his inner sanctum.

The celebration itself was somewhat simpler this time than last year, but it did not pass by unnoticed. A thread was made where present and former members could take a trip down memory lane, and the guild comic got a sudden revival.

All in all, we can’t see any reason why this guild won’t outlast the game itself. So happy birthday to all of you who have participated in the surprising longevity of this guild and the considerable wealth of spectacular moments we’ve shared.
May there be many more good moments to come.


The Enigma Order – Four year anniversary

The 15. of february we became four years old. Can you belive it ? Four years! Ok, ok, enough of the “omg” factor, on with the fun stuff! To celebrate our anniversary we had a one month(!) celebration. With Obscure in the lead we ended up with some extremely successful events.

Celebration events:

Media Contest: TEO 4 – Media Contest Entries! WINNERS UP!

Leveling Contest: TEO 4 – The Low Level Levelling Contest 2!!

Mojorising won the media contest with an amazing video(see below). This movie was so good it was even noted by the big World of Warcraft site WoW Insider – WoW Moviewatch: Forrest GumpDK.

The winner of the leveling contest was Wrion, runner up was Lamme.

Forest GumpDK: