Let’s go!

Few weeks have now passed since the launch of Legion. And what a launch and what a time it has been! We by default do not subscribe to the “WoW is dying” crowd, but quite honestly, I don’t think there’s much of that crowd left at all now. Legion launch has been a positive experience through and through, in every aspect – from servers as stable as a tightrope walker to amazing, vast new continent full of exciting content. And we have indeed been so busy with this content that there has been little time left for anything else, updating the front page notwithstanding!

The period leading up to raids was full of various adventures, some of the old varieties, some brand new ones. Every each member of the team invested a lot in their character, we stepped into mythic+, there were World Quests, hell, we even contacted some of Azeroth’s most powerful, ancient avatars.


All that made for a great build up to the week where the portal to The Emerald Nightmare was activated and we could finally go back to what we all love the most about the game – raids. Once again we felt like all the preparations, theory-crafting and ptr experience was a great advantage, even if some of the changes implemented between ptr and release led to rather hilarious situations. We planned an ambitious first week for of raids, but to out surprise we got the job done in less than the standard weekly scheduled time. This resulted in the single ugliest kill-screenshot in the long history of the guild. It’s a very interesting proof that gnomes are not the only race able to get lost in tall grass.


The general feeling now is that we are done with the activities commonly associated with an expansion launch. Soon enough we will fall back to our standard schedule and then tackle the mythic bosses at our own pace. We have a solid team ready, willing and able to do just that. Things are looking good.

Next report once the pesky, plague-infected mythic dragon known as Nythendra is slain.

We are prepared

Months ago we killed Archimonde mythic. Contrary to what we thought we never stopped raiding since then, we only did it less often. As a result the entire team got the HFC mounts, the guild earned some precious gold and we all had the time to mentally prepare for what’s coming. Amazing effort by everyone!

There were also ring upgrades. Many upgrades. Many, many upgrades. Too many upgrades.

TEO banner

Legion is now just around the corner. Next reset we get the pre-expansion patch with many new changes, then few weeks later it will rain infernals. Similar as in the case of Siege of Orgrimmar, one feels it couldn’t come any earlier. We leave Draenor with mixed feelings, but one thing is for sure – we are prepared for whatever the game throws at us next.

Legion gnomeThe gnome salutes you, Hellfire Citadel and the entire Draenor. Respectfully!


Arch-demon decapitated, Hellfire Citadel cleared, Draenor saved. And what a long, strange trip it has been! Tier of content that started on the almost exact same day as the incredibly sunny summer holidays (saying that a lot of sweat went into killing the bosses was never more accurate) and lasted until just after Christmas holidays. As always, some very good and memorable fights and some that will be soon forgotten, rightfully so. First things first though.

13. Archimonde

Even the final boss himself was a little bit of a roller-coaster. In particular the second-last raid before the kill is to never be spoken about again, while the very next – and final – one was just pure gold and you could feel the kill is just around the corner. Obligatory one percent wipe notwithstanding! Some minor adjustments to the tactic for the last few percents and boom! The boss dies, mythic trinkets for the people, Axc gets the mount.

We have conflicting reports as far as the wipe counter goes, so we cannot be absolutely sure how many attempts exactly it took us to get the job done. Going by mine, pull number 385 was the lucky one. A few less than Garrosh required.

As usual it was a team effort, so a shout-out to the guys who participated in the progress, but ended up on the bench for the kill.

Honorable mentions final

And finally to an anonymous, yet tad scary person who is no longer part of the raiding gang due to circumstances beyond control, but who participated a great deal through the majority of Hellfire Citade and is trully missedl. Find the German at the picture!

PercNow that the job is done, we will fall back to a relaxed schedule and kill the mount bosses weekly. Meanwhile, a whole lot is going on behind the scene – there are many ideas floating around concerning Legion, we have our people in the beta (or alfa, or friends and family closed… test, complicated nomenclature). The plan is, as usual, to maintain a good raiding atmosphere, but at the same time kill things at a satisfying pace.

Over and out for a while, by the looks of it next post only very near to Legion release!

Short final

And thus Mannoroth has died. Mixed feelings and a whole lot of different views on this fight. Back in the first half of Hellfire Citadel, when we were having a high-level look at the various fights, we had a feeling that this particular encounter would be, well, boring. That definitely turned out to be false, it was quite exciting, with a lot going on. Another opinion was that it would be extremely setup dependent. That proves not to be the case, even if some classes have some small advantages. Then there was the aspect of it being a gear-intensive fight. Hard to say really, we almost got the boss killed just before the recent item level inflation, so we thought it would be matter of few pulls only once the gear got better. That, however, proved to be false entirely, since the new timing of various abilities made it feel like a whole different fight and we had to change the tactic quite a bit, including some damage throttling.

12. Mannoroth

Finally everything has been sorted out, we knew what we want to do, things “clicked”. And then what? And then a plethora of redundant, borderline believable mistakes, one step ahead, three steps backwards. Because of that, it took us a whole lot of time between sorting the tactic out and finally killing the boss. Could be better.

In any case, first mythic chests looted, two players happy with new weapons and no items disenchanted. So that is nice. Only the big kahuna left now.

12. Mannoroth subtitled

As per a recent suggestion, here is an alternative screenshot, with player names displayed. Everyone is welcomed to leave a comment saying which version we should use from now on.

Purple-green and green-purple

One of the more colorful bosses in recent raids is done with. Good encounter, but so very, very far away from the “bring the player not the class” logic.

11. Xhul'horacThis time it did in fact slow us down considerably, so quite irritating. Two fights left and both have a reputation.

Long final

Tyrant Velhari is now officially dead and that is a major relief. Such a weird learning curve on this encounter – last phase on day one of attempts, then everything went to hell, strange ideas tested, back to the original tactic, a whole lot of fine-tuning and then at long last a kill. By no means a smooth kill either, hardly anyone alive by the end, but that only adds up to the charm.

10. Tyrant VelhariThat is ten out of thirteen bosses dealt with now. Not unlike Siege of Orgrimmar, rumour has it the last three are a whole level harder than the rest. First few pulls at Xuel’horac makes that sound very, very likely.

Seeds, seeds, seeds!

New boss, new experience. This time Seeds were the name of the game. Short fight, but you got to stay on your toes all the time. Quite a few almost kills before we finally nailed it.

9. Fel Lord ZakuunSadly, not exactly an impressive first kill at all, whole lot of mess and a reasonable expectation that the first few re-kills won’t exactly be a walk in the park. Four bosses left, three of them having quite a bit of a reputation.

Pass the eye!

As expected after last week, it didn’t take us much time to get rid of Shadow-Lord Iskaar. Not your standard type of a fight, but on the other hand nothing excessive. In all honesty, it took us more time then it should have.

8. Shadow-Lord Iskaar

Next stop Fel Lord Zakuun, commonly referred to as the fissure guy. A short, action-packed fight to be expected. Once that is done, it’s the serious bosses time.

Past the halfway mark

With Gorefiend out of the way, it didn’t take us much time to score the next mythic clear. A tad disappointing, but we will take it after all the time spent at Gorefiend.

7. Socrethar the EternalTwenty pulls or so, mythic tier gloves. Easy money. Iskar should have died as well,  but one of “these days” happened. Next reset.

Gorefiend dead, guild still alive

Lovely, lovely, lovely!

So after somewhat slow start in Hellfire Citadel caused by summer holidays and all the absences, we eventually reached what is rapidly gaining the fame of a guild killer – Mr. Gorefiend himself. The first few pulls proved we are in for a treat.

A lot can be said about Warlords of Draenor, there are many flaws and examples of poor design decisions. However, for the raiding part of the community, all this absolutely pales in comparison to the quality of the raid encounters we are offered. Our latest, precious kill is a prime case of just that. An entire week spent on the same encounter and never once was it boring. Hell, even after the kill instead of the usual we “uhh, finally!”, we had people cheering and wanting to do it again right away.

And so just as the title indicates – hard boss done, guild alive and kickin’, still protecting Stormwind, as expected!

Kill video soon to be available at our wowprogress profile, linked on the right side.

6. GorefiendAmazing teamwork, extra-enjoyable learning experience where suddenly, step by step you go from chaos to relative order. Simply insanely good fight, already being mentioned as a candidate for peoples’ “top 5” lists. Even the decision of putting this boss half way through the instance, whereas he feels more appropriate for much further part of it, feels good in the end. Statistically the next few bosses should fall with less attempts than this one.

We shall find that out soon enough!