Lovely, lovely, lovely!
So after somewhat slow start in Hellfire Citadel caused by summer holidays and all the absences, we eventually reached what is rapidly gaining the fame of a guild killer – Mr. Gorefiend himself. The first few pulls proved we are in for a treat.
A lot can be said about Warlords of Draenor, there are many flaws and examples of poor design decisions. However, for the raiding part of the community, all this absolutely pales in comparison to the quality of the raid encounters we are offered. Our latest, precious kill is a prime case of just that. An entire week spent on the same encounter and never once was it boring. Hell, even after the kill instead of the usual we “uhh, finally!”, we had people cheering and wanting to do it again right away.
And so just as the title indicates – hard boss done, guild alive and kickin’, still protecting Stormwind, as expected!
Kill video soon to be available at our wowprogress profile, linked on the right side.
Amazing teamwork, extra-enjoyable learning experience where suddenly, step by step you go from chaos to relative order. Simply insanely good fight, already being mentioned as a candidate for peoples’ “top 5” lists. Even the decision of putting this boss half way through the instance, whereas he feels more appropriate for much further part of it, feels good in the end. Statistically the next few bosses should fall with less attempts than this one.
We shall find that out soon enough!